Chapter Twelve: The Hospital

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The hospital
3rd POV

3 days after the expedition. Hangi, Levi, Erwin and Mike all sat in a lounge room. The loss of Squad Levi still loaned over all of them. The fact Eren put up such a fight against the female Titian and still lost shocked them. The figure that single handedly taken down three Titian's on flat land scarred them. The fact Luna Jaeger had not shed a single tear for her fallen comrades where her older brother was still in his cell crying his eyes put like a child worried them. Levi had never felt so much pain in his chest when he thought he would never see Luna again, the only other time he felt like that was when he lost his two best friends eight years ago.

          "Squad Leader?" A voice asked from behind the closed door.
           "Come in." Erwin said. The door open and a blonde boy walked in.
              "Hey Armin what's up?" Hangi asked.
The blonde bowed his head.
               "Squad Leader I'm sorry for the intuition but have you seen my younger sister?" He asked.
                "No I haven't seen Luna. Why is everything alright?" Hangi asked.

That same motherly tone she had used with Eren yesterday kicking in instantly upon hearing the 15 year olds name.

                "No ma'am. Mikasa last saw her in the infirmary helping injured but it occurred to me if she is helping she's not getting checked out. Luna is one of those people who would want others helped before herself but when I looked last night she wasn't there. One of the nurses said to ask you." Armin said in one long breath. 
                   "No we haven't." Mike replied. Armin nodded.
                   "I'm sorry for bothering you."
                    "Alert come sit." Levi said in a cold demanding tone.
Armin stood for a second dumb founded bout then sat in the empty seat. "How is Jaeger?"
                    "Eren, he's really up set sir-"
                     "No. Luna." Levi asked "I don't want to find out that what is left of my squad is incapable of working."

Armin blinked then took a big breath.

                      "Luna on the way back. When we were riding after the figure killed the three Titians, I've never seen a more pained look on her fave than when..." Armin stopped a closed his eyes. "When her mom died."
                    "What do you mean?" Erwin asked leaning forward in his seat. Armin shock his head.
                "The four of us are from Shingisha (I can't spell it if u can tell me)" Armin looked at the four leaders before continuing. "Luna was nine when the Consul Titian attacked six years ago, this is what Mikasa told me, they went to get they're mother but she was trapped under the house. They tried but the couldn't get her out but couldn't. Two officers got them out of there alive but Luna and Eren witnessed they're birth mother died. When they got on this boat, Luna was in tears and covered in blood, who's I don't know, she had this look in her eyes of unbelievable pain. I saw it in her eyes as we rode back."

For a moment no one spoke the boys words held in the air.

                "Maybe she is stronger than we thought." Mike said. "She did survive an expedition from what it looks like alone."
                 "But where did those kill to survive come from? She was only in the middle of my squad even after my three months of training that's not enough to survive alone she would need at least two other people." Levi said in a blunt tone.
                   "Maybe she's the female titian." Erwin said.
                   "No the female Titian's blonde not a brunette." Hangi said. She groaned. "This is so confusing!"

               A knock came from outside the door.

                 "Enter its open." Levi said.

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