Chapter Twenty-Six: First Day?

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3rd pov
Luna woke up in her cell to a loud banging on the walls. She rolled over and covered her head with a pillow hoping the banging would stop but when it didn't she pushed the hard pillow away then looked at the bars on the cell. There stood Levi taping what looked like a spoon against the bars.
"What the hell are you doing?" Luna asked as she yawned.
"Waking you up odviously." Levi answered as he watched Luna lay in the bed just staring at him with tired eyes.

Levi's pov

Luna groaned and rubbed her eyes tiredly.
"Why?" Luna asked.
"Lue who's at your cell?" Eren asked from the other side of the wall.
"Its the Corporal Eren." Luna answered as she yawned again.
"Oh....wait," Eren said. "Aren't you a Corporal now?"

Luna laid there for a moment before shooting up in her bed realization across her face.

"I'm a Corporal!" She said and clapped. She pushed the thin material of the bed sheet away and stepped out of the bed and ran to the bars infront of me. She was in a t-shirt i was assuming was Erens because it went almost to her knees. Her hair was in a severly messy bun and a classic smile on her face. I moved the torch I was holding farther away from me so she couldn't see my blush.

She looked aborable.
"Yes your a Corporal you dumbshit." I say hoping the cuerlity hides any supision of liking her. "Now change and grab your crap so you can got to your room."
"I'm getting a bedroom like a real room?" She asked and she clapped excitedly. She walked over to the trunk that held her clothes and she took out her neatly folded uniform.

"Jeager your getting a new uniform so put on regular clothes." I say as I watch her nod and look back at me.

"Levi can you move so I can change?" She asked. I blushed even more in realization I hadn't moved. I walked past her cell to Eren's where he was stretching. "Thank you!"

I rolled my eyes and took out the key so I could unlock the cell door.

"Morning Corporal." Eren said as he ruffled his messy brown hair.
"Get dressed so you can go to the Mess Hall." I say. Eren nods and walked over to his own trunk. He disposed of his sleep wear and pulls on his pants.

"Eren do you have my gray sweater?" Luna asks from the cell beside him. Eren stops what he was doing and looks through the his trunk where nothing seems to be folded.

"Yep." He says pulling out a large thin gray sweater he walks to the end of his cell and holds it out. Luna reaches out of hers and pulls it through her own bars. "Are any of my-"

But he stops talking when, three neatly folded shirts are being held out in front of him.

"Yeah." Luna answers and Eren takes them taking the top one off the stack and throwing the other two into the messy trunk.

"You two share clothes?" I ask. "Thats fucking weird."
"Well we've been doing it since we were little." Eren says shrugging his shoulders as he pulls on his green shirt. "Luna wasn't allowed to wear pants growing up so she'd steal mine and Armins."
"She'd wear Alerts pants?" I ask. "Thats evan fucking weirder." The cell door beside Erens open and Luna walked out in black pants the large gray sweater and a bag.

"Still do." Luna answered. "When you come from a very unfortunate family sharing clothes are the least of your problems."
'You have no idea.' I thought as she walked over to me and looked at Eren.

"Your gonna be all alone Eren." luna smirked. "Will you be okay by yourself because i won't be her to protect you for the monsters under your bed."

"Hahah," Eren said sarcasticly. "You use to crawl in my bed when we were little because you were scared of the boggeyman."

"Yeah buts when i walked around with pigtails." Luna said. "It cut of circulation to my brain."

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