Chapter Twenty-Eight: Capture in Stonehess Part 2

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With Luna

"What the hell is going on?" Niel asked. "Escort Squad have a look I'll hold this position."

"Sir yes sir." One yelled and they ran off.

"This is bad." Niel stated. "What the hell could be going in this far in."

"Niel." Erwin called from behind him. Niel turned to see Erwin in his Survey Corps uniform and Luna and Levi in their desguised normal clothes. "Deploy all troops imideitly. we should assume that a titan has already appeared."I

"Are you out of your mind!" Niel demanded. "This is wall Sina. There is no way a titan would just suddenly show up here."

Jean open the door to his buggy.

"Oi Jeager who told you to move!" A solider yelled.

"How bout this damn wig you moron." jean yelled, pulling it off to reveal his blonde brown hair. "Call me Jeager again and I'll beat your ass you got that."

Jean ran towards Erwin his own cape in hand.

"Commander what's the plan?" Jean asked saluting briefly.

"Ask Squad 4 for a set of 3DMG gear." Erwin said.

"Sir." Jean said as he pulled on his cape.

"Then move to the location. Find the issue and see what you can do. Access the standing of Squad A and if needed prepare Squad B." Luna said. She stepped closer to jean and whispered something only he could hear. "make sure their okay."

"Ma'am." Jean yelled and adjusted his uniform.

"Like the brass balls but try not to swing them so hard it gets you killed." Levi said.

"Sir." Jean said and ran off. Niel watched in confusion.

"Hold on." Niel yelled. "What the hell!"

"Commander Here." A Cadet yelled approaching the trio of high ranking officers. "Corporal Luna and Levi your gear is on the way. There is trouble by the stockade."

"Defend it." Erwin said. "We're no good with out supplies. well done."

"Thank you sir." The cadet yelled before shooting off. Erwin started to put on his gear.

"Wait just a damn minute." Niel yelled.

"All right all of you are with me with the exceptions of Corporal Luna and Levi." Erwin yelled calling out to the remaining scouts. "Were rendezvouing the Capturing Squad."

Erwin started to move forward but Niel stopped him gun drawn.

"Like hell you will.." Niel yells pointing the gun at Erwin. "This is out right treason and mutiny. i am well with in my rights to shoot you right now."I

"I didn't think you were as thick headed Niel as you look." Levi said. "Your a hair trigger away from making the biggest mistake of your life."

"take off the gear before I shoot you." Niel demanded.

With Jean

People screamed as the ran away from the devastation


"Those damn MP's sitting around like bags of shit." jean said as he ran. through the crowds. "I cant believe i wanted to be one of those shit heads. I don't know what the hell i was ever thinking."

He stopped by Squad 4 to get his gear. it was on stand by so easy to get to. He put it on quickly and flew to the action but saw a familiar blonde move a large piece of ruble.

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