Night Time Tea

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It was nearly two in the morning, and the cool morning breeze was finally getting to the glass of the old castle. The small dining hall had been relatively warm and Luna could no longer lean against the window as she had been for the last hour. So she sat with her arms wrapped around her knees as she watched the stars, the world was dark except for the small candle by her feet, she had taken it with her when she snuck out of her cage. The flame flickered softly creating a glow on the rim of her teacup. She reached forward, holding her hand over the steam of her cup as she thought. Over the short time, the Jaegers had been there the two had acclimated rather quickly to being part of the Elite Squadron. Luna is easy to get along with and had made 'friends' with everyone except for Oulo and Levi. She liked everyone in their own way, but she knew they didn't trust her completely yet; not that she expected them to. She was the sister of the first known Titan Shifter, that made her dangerous by association, by blood.

Though Petra had accepted her first, the strawberry blonde was ecstatic to have another girl. Petra was easy to talk to, she reminded Luna of a much softer Mikasa and a part of that made Luna feel at ease. Mikasa had been the only female in her life for a long time so Luna latched onto Petra like a shadow, not that the older woman minded. Hangi was a lot calmer than Luna had expected when it can to her experiments on the younger girl. Hangi was extremely understanding and though she was easily sidetracked, Luna liked listening to her talk. Hangi taught her something new every day, so Luna offered to help with Eren. Since Eren was a lot less tense and more corroborative with Luna there, Hangi soon realized that having the pair together just made her life less complicated.

Eld and Gunther didn't pay much attention to the teenage girl until one day they ran into her one morning. They had been running around the compound before breakfast and so was she. It took some time but Gunther had offered to let her run with them, she agreed quickly and every so often Eren would join for a short time but he was very verbal about his lack of enthusiasm.

Levi had watched Luna connect with everyone, watched her fit into their training regiment with as much grace she could muster but it wasn't enough.

Levi's POV

I shifted uncomfortably in my bed. Another dumb boring fuck sleepless night.

I sat up slowly, reaching for the shirt on my night table. Sliding out of bed I reached for my shoes. Walking to the window I looked out to see the stars, shaking my head I quietly open my door. Even though I was on the other side of the castle I was still silent as I walked down the halls. I couldn't hear anything other than my own breathing. As passed a window I couldn't help but lookup. The stars were bright in the sky. Each one sparkling like a diamond.

'I remember... No, don't think about it.' I thought. I forced myself to continue to walk to the dining hall. 'I really need some tea.'

But I realized the door was already slightly open and the light was coming from it.

'Who would be up at such an hour? Petra most likely.' I sighed I cared for Petra but I did not love her as she did me. I knew she didn't love me either, it was a stage she would get over and move on. Move on...its been something one tried to master but I just can't.

I sighed again and open the door but to my surprise, it wasn't Petra. Instead, I was greeted by Luna; she sat in the window seat her head close to the open window her eyes aimed for the stars in the dark sky. Her hands holding a steaming mug and she had on her uniform but wasn't wearing the belts or jacket and her hair was pulled up like always.

     "Jaeger what are you doing up!" I asked my voice cutting through the peaceful silence.

Luna shot up and looked at me. "Hiechou! Oh...I'm sorry...I was just..." She stood there starring at me like an idiot. It didn't look like she was doing anything wrong but how the hell did she get out of her cell?

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