Chapter Fifteen: Promotion?

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This video truly does show how amazing Levi is.:-P


The group of friends were walking to the training yard right now. Rose had her arms crossed over her chest clearly pissed at Luna but she knew she was being over dramatic. But hell she couldn't help it.

Rose's POV (shocker am I right)

I moved swiftly down the yard, people moving out if my way as normal. I could hear my friends laughter behind me. I was angry. Angry that Armin didn't like me enough to hug me like that, the way he hugged Luna, with love. All he ever did for me was smile but even then my heart melted. Today we were running and by god I was going to run as fast as possible. Mikasa looked at me as we lined up.
"Hey Rosey you okay?" I glared at her and she went and glared back. You see me and Mikasa had a mutual hate for each other so thick words can't describe. She was getting in my way. We were lined up in fours to start running. Luna was in between Armin and Jean when a booming voice yelled.
"MINI JAEGER!" and Luna got out of line to see who called. Captain Levi uncrossed his arms and made a hand motion for her to follow him then he turns around and walked off she ran after him.
"Hey Captain wait up." She said as she ran after him. I watched the two leave. I know Luna doesn't have feeling for Armin as I do but does she love him, Captain Levi?

Luna's POV

I walked behind Captain Levi until we got to his office where he unlocked the door and open it. He moved out of the way for me to enter and I did.
"Is everything okay Captain?" I asked as he entered and shut the door. He didn't look at me until he sat in his chair at his desk.
"Sit." He said and I sat in the chair across from his. He leaned forward and I looked into his eyes. I loved how his eyes resembled the sky when it rained. I loved that color, the color of the rain on the dark sky, I loved it how everything mushed into one pretty gray, his gray eyes.
"Jaeger." He said and I snapped out of my gaze. "I would like to promote you."
My mouth dropped.
"Are you deaf I said I wanted to promote you." He said and I just blinked.
He just looked at me. I felt myself heat up under his gaze and I looked away from his face and focused on the tray on his desk, with the pate of food I left there this morning. Now that I look at it I realized it was all gone, I honestly didn't expect him to eat it. I rarely saw him eat in fact. It made me a little nervous, he had to eat to get the nutrition he needed to be humanities strongest right.
"Well you don't piss me off as much as everyone else does." He said. I smirked.
"Was that a complement?" I asked. He snorted and I giggled. "If its not don't tell me."
"Okay. So Jaeger if I'm prompting you, you'll not only be vice captain of the squad but my assistant." He said.
"Assistant Captain?"
"Yes. I need serious help with paperwork. Being a Corporal is a pain in the ass." He said and ran a hand through his beautiful black hair. "And Jaeger I'm glad you took that stupid ass liquor from my desk."
I sat there her mouth wide open. Did he just thank me, no fucking way!
"Still I'm extremely sorry sir." I looked at my feet. "I still do t understand why you promoted me to vice captain though sir."
Captain Levi huffed and I peeked up only to see him staring at me. He wasn't glaring at me, oddly enough just staring.

Levis POV (because I just must)

I stared at Luna. Her green eyes looked up for a moment then her ears turned bright red and she looked back a her boots.
"Well Jaeger if you look at my face instead of your damn fascinating shoes I will explain." I said and her head snapped up to face me. "On the last expedition you went MIA, missing in action, for a some shitty time, but you already know that."
I leaned forwards on my desk.
"So when those three titans approached us, a figure took them down single handed correct?" I asked she nodded. "The figure killed all three of them and pulled off a move only I have been able to do and there was only one person I've ever attempted to teach it too."
Luna's green eyes widened.

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