Chapter Twenty-one: The Expidition part 2

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      Luna looked at Rose, who stood below her in shock. Luna looked at the kids and sighed.

       "I have to go, will you kids be okay?" She asked.
       "yes ma'am all thanks to you." One said and the girl hugged her. "We don't know how to repay you."
       "Stay alive and when your older join the survey corps." Luna said with a smile. "At least stay alive for me."
        "Ma'am what is your name?"
        "Vice Captain Luna Jeager of the SOS squad." Luna said and walked over to they're unconscious friend and took his tanks and replaced them, so she had a tank full. The she left to Rose, who was still on the ground, Luna's horse in hand.

      "how did you do that?" Rose asked her eyes shooting daggers at Luna. but Luna merely walked over to her horse and mounted it. "Your a titan shifter aren't you."

luna looked at Rose with and 'what the hell' face and shook her head.

        "Listen Rose," Luna started as they started to ride south of where all the titan's just were. "I don't think I'm a titan shifter, I just practice a lot to get better. Hell i'm the vice captain of Levi squad meaning I've got to be some good at something."
        "Yeah, like dating him." She said. And Luna choked on her own air.
        "What do you mean dating him?" Luna asked, clearly lossing her cool over the subject. "We aren't dating if that's what your implying no way, he has someone else already."
        "Liar." Rose said her voice full of anger. "Your a little bitch you know that. Your a liar and a cheat. You act all week for attention when really you can take care of yourself just fine."
Luna's blood start to boil, but Rose was pissed, Luna knew something about this, how the titans worked and who was one, she so knew she had to or she wouldn't of warned Rose about it.

         "I'm the liar!" Luna asked stopping her horse. "your the one that acts all 'I don't give a damn' while other people fear you, your all lonely because you act like a sadistic dick head."
         "Excuse me for not kissing the boots of my superiors to make a name for myself, at least I have skill." Rose said. "All you have is your looks."
          "What do my looks have to do with any of this!" luna asked. "Rose I'm uglier than Jean, and i do have talent or those 5 kids would be dead."
           "that was luck." Rose said.
           "yes because skill, hard work, and courage is luck." Luna said. "damnit Rose i don't know what the hell is wrong with you, if anyone here is a liar it's you."
            "how the hell am I a liar!" Rose asked "Huh. Your working with the titan's I know it and when this expedition is done i'm reporting you." Rose said and began to trot away.

            "Okay report me, Midnight." Luna said. "But you have fun on that examination table, I mean we really don't need a person who can talk to titan's when we have Eren right? I'd say it's an easy win for the Military Police."

And rose froze and Luna and her horse walked by her. Fear courses through Rose's body.

                "Yeah i know you asshole." Luna said. "I also know that I don't want to be friends with someone who lies and is a fraud, but you know how that feels right? So if you don't report me, i'll tell Erwin either way."

Rose's eyes widen.
              "no!" she yelled. "You can't I have people I need to protect and friends that need me."
               "you obviously don't need me." Luna said as she continued to walk away. "Besides if you were really my friend you would know me better than you do."

A brown flare shot up through the sky and Luna didn't even look at Rose just snapped her rein and her horse moved towards it.

Rose pov(I haven't done her pov in forever)
I watched Luna dash away on her horse her green cape flying after her.
What the hell? How the hell did I honestly just get dissed out by a girl three years younger than me? i seriously was in deep shit, how did she know? Who would she tell?
It wasn't my fault I could talk to titans, I just could. This wasn't fair! I...I...didn't mean any of the words I said, did I?
I never ment for this to happen.
Tears spilled from my cheeks and a sob broke through my throat. I didn't want this, she was my best-friend. Why would I ever say that stuff?

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