Chapter Six: A Fussy Feeling

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Luna swept the empty room for the third time. It was two days since she and Levi had talked and to be honest she was a bit sad that they hadn't talked again but only a bit. Petra was dusting the shelves.

"So Luna I know we really don't know each pother so want to play twenty questions?" Petra asked.

She looked at the younger girl hopefully. Luna looked at older girl and smiled. That same smile made Petra's heart flutter with hope. For a better future. It was her, along with others, new reason for continueing on with this hard life.

"Your weird Petra. That's one of those cheesy kid games." Luna said and she smirked. "Your a little kid." Petra rolled her eyes and went back to dusting.
"Meanie!" Petra said and Luna giggled. The two girls finished there three rooms and waited for Levi.

"Maybe he's in the dining hall." Petra said. "I'll be right back."

Luna stood there and watched the ginger headed girl run off. Luna smiled and sat on the floor. She was tired. Ever since she and Captain Levi had talked the poor girl got less sleep than usual. His words replacing over and over in her head.
I will not hesitate to take action.
He really was the solider Luna grew up watching. The one she wanted to be like.

Her thoughts stopped when a familiar shortie walked down the hall. She stood up and saluted.

"Where's Ral?" Levi asked as the man looked around for Petra.
"She went to find you Captain." Luna replied and Levi made his signature 'tch' sound and walked into the room Luna and Petra just finished. He looked at the windows and the floor and at the neatly organized bookcases.
"Who cleaned these windows?" He asked. Levi saw bark spots all over the window "Who ever cleaned the widow needs to redo them and the the ones in my room."

Luna's eyes widened. Redo all the windows that was like 15 all a pain in the ass to clean. It was Petra's job to clean them but she must of forgot.

' But Petra did help me clean ' Luna thought. ' It would be a good way to pay her back. ' Luna looked at her Captain.

"I cleaned them Corporal." Luna said taking up for her friend. "I'll get right to it." Levi looked at the girl as she grabbed a rag and spray.

Her bangs were pinned out of her face with two bobby pins she had a rag around her neck not bothering to pull in over her nose. She stood on her toes to spray the top of the window and Levi smirked. Luna was inches shorter than Levi but some how she seem inches taller. She didn't get teased about get height but it was probably normal for a girl to be that short. He turned and walked into the hallway.

"Oi idiot." He said his back still turned to the younger girl so he couldn't see her face as she looked at the male.
"Yes Hiechou?" She asked. He sighed.
"Pick a name your gonna call me and quit changing it." Then he walked away.

He left the 15 year old standing there like and idiot starring at where he had been standing not a moment before.

~time skip brought to you by Levi's hotness~

Everyone sat at dinner starring at the two Jaeger's at the end of the table who were having a stare off. Luna just sat there looking at her brother Eren how ever knew he was in trouble.

"Eren what do you mean you shrunk my clothes." Luna asked.

Eren looked around for help but no one said anything everyone was interested on how this would end.

"Oh come on Luna its okay besides you should start wearing a uniform." Eren said. Luna nearly blinked.
"But its too tight!" Luna said "its fine I still have clothes on my bed." Erens eyes widened.
"Those weren't dirty?" He asked Luna leaned forward.
"What do you mean those weren't dirty?" She asked and Petra covered her mouth to hide a laugh.
"I thought they were dirty so I washed them." He said.
"Why did you touch those!" Luna yelled her ears bright red and her cheeks light pink. She threw her bread at her brother. "You perverted asshole!"

Petra and Hangi laughed. Mike and Erwin soon followed. Everyone else sat there like an idiot.

"What are we missing?" Eld asked and Hangi from her spot of the floor said.
"Eren shrunk all Luna's clothes and I mean every article of clothing." Eld looked at Eren.
"Eren she's right you pervert. High five." Eld says and Luna elbows him.
"You dick!" She yelled and then she took his bread. "Mine now."

Eld gaped at the little girl as she held the bread to her chest.

"Give it back!" The 22 year old yelled.

He lunged for Luna but she held of tighter. She squealed and jumped up and crawled into Petra's lap.

"Petra save me!" She cried and Eld was sent head first into an empty chair. The group of 9 looked at the man who was now on the floor muttering something about seeing stars.

Levi walked in and saw the mess. He quickly scanned over the people in the room. Hangi was wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. Eld was on the floor in a ball holding his head. Eren sat dumb founded. But what caught him off guard was Luna she was in Petra's lap and to be honest she looked like she belonged there her and Petra giggling about something and Erwin and Mike laughing they're asses off. Oulo glared at Luna and Gunther was eating like nothing happen.

"What happen here?" Levi asked. Everyone eyed each other.
"Luna started a fight and stole Eld's bread." Oulo said.

Luna turned o him. Her mouth gaping open. Hangi smacked the side of his head.

"We were messing around and Oulo was being and ass and said the Dining Hall was filthy." Hangi said. She stood up and pushed her glasses back up. Oulo scoffed and crossed his arms.
"So what if I did that cabet needed to do a better job." Oulo said. Luna looked at him and tilted her head in the most adorable way possible.
"But its clean. I wiped down the windows." Luna said. "I can see my fucking reflection on the floor. Who ever cleaned cleans well I don't know what your talking about."
"No its filthy your dumb ass brother-" but Luna cut him off.
"Leave Eren out of is you prick!" Luna said sher pointed at Eren. "What does cleaning have to do with anything? All Captain asked was what happen nothing more."
"Shut up both of you!" Luna and Oulo looked at Levi. "What the hell happen you tiny shits."

Luna looked at the Levi confused.

"But Captain he's taller than you it's not accurate to call hi-" Luna as cut off by Eld slapping and hand over her mouth.

The girl struggled to get out off the mans grip but failed.
Levi on the other hand walked up to her and grabbed her by the collar not caring of her gender.

"You bitch you need to learn respect! Don't insult your superiors you idiot." He said Luna held on to his wrist her large clothes hanging off of her like a sack.
"I wasn't insulting you I'm shorter than you for gods sake." She says.

Levi looks at her with his narrow eyes and she stared back after five minutes Luna said.

"Uh Captain?" Luna said.
"What!" He asked angrily.
"Your very handsome." Luna said.

Levi's grip on the girls large shirt loosened and she slipped from grip. And fell on her butt.

"Ouch." But she was up in an instant. She grabbed her brothers hand. "Let's to Eren before we have to clean any more!" And the little girls dragged the boy out of the too leaving everyone speechless from the girls comment.

"Well then at least she was honest." Hangi said and took a sip of the girls abandoned soup.

Levi of course stood there like and idiot starring at the door a light blush covering his face.

'What is that brat doing to me?' Levi asked himself. He didn't like the warm fussy feeling in his stomach.
Luna on the other hand was smiling like an idiot. Happy she had said that. The warm fussy feeling in her stomach growing stronger every second.

Nether of the two knew what the feeling was and nether of the two wanted to know bout something tugged both they're hearts and it would for a very long time.

Word Count: 1460

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