Training Days.

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To be forwarned, I changed the ages up for things/ people just a bit to match my storyline.

Luna stood at a set, watching as Shadis walked past the rows of other children. She watched as Armin was turned around, his eyes met hers and she could only offer him a shaky smile, she was frightened. Shaking in her boots as the bald man screamed in Cadet's faces. She was going to get found out. This man had to know she wasn't 14, Luna glanced up at the blonde beside her, face still and eyes unwavering as she stared ahead.

     "Damn it," Luna mumbled as Shadis started down their row. They had risked so much to get here, after weeks of arguing, Luna had finally convinced Mikasa to let him lie to the training administrator.

Eren had enlisted for military training, well before any of the three of them had the chance. He turned 15 and that morning grabbed paperwork from officers. Mikasa went the same day and grabbed more for herself.

Luna was going to get left behind, though she knew Armin would have stayed with her, he would rather stay with her but she didn't want them to split up. That is what she fought Eren and Mikasa for weeks about letting her lie on paperwork, it was illegal for her to be here and if she got caught her ass would be sent to the fields.

Shadis walked the length of the row making eye contact with every cadet, some he skipped over other the stopped in front of and when he stopped Luna felt her stomach in her throat. "What the hell?" Shadis leaned down so he was eye level. Luna let out a shaky breath as the man screamed, "What is is a little girl doing here? State your Name Cadet!"

     "Luna Jaeger sir!" She responded with as much confidence as she could muster. It wasn't like getting screamed at was new, Eren would go off like a teapot if the mood hit him but the man was inches away from her face, boring hell into her soul.

    "What are you doing here shortcake!" Shadis stood back up watching the young girls back straighten as she answered.

     "To join the Survey Corps sir!"

Shadis snickered standing back to his full height. "Well, you'll make perfect titan food."

Luna had never been more relieved when they were dismissed from their rows. She just wanted to eat dinner and go to bed, she knew she had a lot of work cut out for her if she ever wanted to actually join the Survey Corps. Trying to look through the crowd of trainees making their way back to the barracks she couldn't find Mikasa. She couldn't find Eren or Armin either; standing on toes for a moment as if she could look over everyone gave her a sense of attempting but it was futile.

     "Are you looking for somebody?"

Luna turned on her heels quickly to see the blonde girl who had been standing beside her asking the question. Sheepishly Luna answered, "Yeah, I'm looking for my brother."

     "Your brother?" The blonde raised her eyebrow then looked at the crowd of trainees. "What does he look like, surely he's taller than you."

Luna rolled her eyes, pulling on her ponytail as she continued walking beside the blonde. "Well yes. My brother is tall but I'll have a growth spurt sooner or later. Eren has the same color hair as me and it's all messy because he hasn't had a proper hair cut in years."

     "Well, I don't see anyone like that sorry." The girls began to walk quicker, Luna launched herself forward grabbing the blondes jacket sleeve.

     "Wait I didn't ask your name."

Looking down at the hand wrapped around her arm she replied, "Annie Lionhart. I would appreciate it if you let go of my jacket Shortcake."

Luna huffed letting go of Annie's jacket and crossing her arms over her chest. "That's rude but I wanted to thank you for trying to help me, so thank you, Annie."

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