The Trial

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 People were yelling and screaming, the tension that filled the room as Eren was tied to the post filled the air. Luna slipped her hand into Armin's as Judge Zackly listens to the crowd. So many people were yelling you could barely hear the trial. Luna kept an eye on her brother, he was studying the floor. She could feel his fear, she could see it on his face. She hated this, hated the whole ordeal. Eren had saved their lives after the Armory was taken if it hadn't been for Eren's titan they would be slaughtered before Armin could have come up with a plan.

      "Mikasa Ackerman!" The judge Zackly yelled out Luna's head turned to the old man.

When Mikasa rose beside her Luna felt her nerves set on fire. "Is of true that Eren attacked you in titian form?" He asked. Luna looked at Armin, who shook his head.

     "I don't know." He whispered as Mikasa leaned against the railing.

     "Yes, sir but-" but she was cut off by people yelling.

     "See kill him kill him!" Others "monster!"

Luna gritted her teeth in annoyance, she bit her lip as Eren looked at her. She waved at him a bit, Eren who had been worried felt a little relief at seeing Luna.

      "Is it true that you've known Eren Jaeger since you were 10."

      "Yes sir but before he attacked me he's saved me twice!" Mikasa looked at Eren then at Luna. "Along with our- his sister."

Luna's gaze snapped from Eren to glared at her older sister. Mikasa's eyes were pleading, begging. She had never been the best at articulating herself but Luna was so nerves for Eren's life she knew she was shutting down,

     "Sister?" The whispers began to circulate as more eyes began to land on the brunette.

     "Yes, sister," Mikasa gestured for Luna to stand up. "Didn't Eren save you?" Luna looked at Armin who nodded.

     "Act calm." He whispered and with a deep breath, Luna stood beside Mikasa.

There was a hushed murmur as Luna looked up at Mikasa's face, she needed to be as unbias as possible. Taking on her sister's cold face to answer the Judge.

      "Yes, it is true. My brother, Eren Jaeger in titian transformation saved my life along with my comrade. Though his attempt to kill, Mikasa Ackerman was provoked. Sir, I believe the military did not inform you in their report that the Military Police were near and around my brother even though they were warned to stay clear." Luna prayed she sounded completely professional even though she wanted to crawl in bed and stay there.

The Zackly raised an eyebrow, he looked at the boy on the floor then at the girl in the stands. She had no emotion on her face as she spoke, just determination. "No, I was not informed." Zackly leaned forward in his chair as he looked at the petite girl. "Are you related to Mr. Jaeger by blood?"

      "Yes, sir."

As the words slipped past her lips, screaming and yelling filled the hall again. Fingers were pointed as many began to accuse her as well. Mikasa grabbed Luna's hand in an attempt to comfort Luna and herself.

     "Maybe she's one!"

   "I bet she's not human either!"

     "Yeah, your right kill her too just to be safe." Luna's eyes widened and Mikasa pulled her closer.

Eren watched his sister, her eyes wide as she moved closer to Mikasa. She felt threatened, she didn't feel safe. Her eyes met his and even though she was pretending to be strong, unfazed by the threats he knew she was shaking. "Hold on just a second," Eren yelled from his spot on the floor, the room hushed a bit but Luna was still afraid. "Maybe I'm the monster you want dead, but you leave her alone. She's innocent!"

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