Chapter Twenty: The Expedition

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Note: hello i know you don't want to listen to me but bear with me.
for the expedition the flare colors means....
green: change direction of formation
Black: abnormal titan spotted
red: titan spotted
yellow: mission terminated (failed or successful)
purple: an emergency
orange: re-group
blue: retreat
brown: help
gray: dead bodies
Acoustic - for titan shifter

enjoy and pls comment i feel so lonely T-T.

Luna's pov (its been forever right)

I sat in Captain Levi's office, it was nearly dinner time and I was tired, The squad had been training none stop lately, and to be honest it was a major pain in the ass. I really just wanted to sleep but with the expedition so close just a few days away....I don't think I could sleep. I sighed and looked out of Levi's window on the other side of his office, the sky was blue and gold, it was a rose color that reminded me of my old home. The way Eren and I would stand by the window in my and Mikasa's room and watch the sun set and wait for Dad to come home. For some reason though those memories hurt just as bad as the other ones. One would think the good memories would out way the bad right? I put my head in my hands, I was totally gonna have a headache later, this was total bull crap. We shouldn't be busting our butts only to be told to do it again, I get they want killing machines, but this was outrageous. But Rose...what was she? Was she a killing machine sent to murder us all?

          "Oi, idiot you okay?"
I turned to see Levi beside me, I would of blushed but today I just didn't have the energy.

           "Yes sir. I just have a lot on my mind." I said. That was a total understatement. I had a million things on my mind many of which I needed to know answers to quickly.

           "Care to share?" Levi said as he went to go sit at his desk. "And I thought I told you to stop being so formal, It is getting on my nerves."

I laughed a little before i looked at him. God he was perfect, his hair, his voice, his height, his eyes, his bad ass attitude, was perfect. I loved him so much and I knew he would never feel the same.

            "Sorry Levi." I said and got up. I placed my finished paperwork in the box by my desk which wasn't full yet and put the ones he needed to see on his desk. "It's personal."
He looked at me and raised an eyebrow and I put my stuff away.

           "How personal?" Levi asked and I raised my eyebrow thus time.
           "Why do you want to know so bad?" I asked then I smirked. "Afraid its a boy? Are you jealous Levi?"

His jaw dropped and I covered my mouth to laugh.
            "What the hell did you just say!" He asked and I laughed harder.

           "I'm so sorry." I said and laughed more. "I was acting like Hangi sorry."  I turned back around and put my pens away and cleared and whipped down my desk.

           "I'm not jealous just curious." He said. I snorted.
           "Has anyone ever told you that curiosity will kill you?" I asked before looking at him. He looked me straight in the eyes and I felt my face heat up.

            "Yeah I've heard it before." He said And look back down at his paperwork. "And it's true, Jaeger don't go stick your nose in places people don't want them." 

I felt my chest tighten, did he know? Did he know I was going to ask Rose if she was a titan shifter?

        "Anyway get some rest Jaeger." He said and looked back at me where I stood frozen to the ground in fear. "Are you sure your okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

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