Chapter Eleven: Remembering

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Third POV present time.

Eren open his eyes only to find himself in the recovery ward. Mikasa and Armin were at his side in a heart beat. Jean, Rose, Sasha, Connie, Hangi and Levi were sitting or standing on the far wall waiting for the Titian shifter to awake.

             "Eren are you okay?" Mikasa asked and touched thew boys head and she sat on the bed beside him. Eren nodded at his adoptive sister and Hangi walked to the foot of the bed and looked at Eren. Armin backed off and stood more towards the heard of Erens hospital bed.

               "Eren do you hurt?" Hangi asked.
                "No ma'am." Eren replied in a scratchy voice.
                   "Good so get your ass up." Levi said from his split on the far wall. Mikasa and Rose shot him a glare that would make most skin crawl bit Levi didn't even notice.
                  "Hold up Levi." Hangi said in a motherly tone "Im still talking to Eren calm your short self. Eren?"

Eren looked at the squad leader once again.

              "What do you remember? Tell me everything okay."
For a second no one spoke.

Rose hit Jeans arm and motioned her head to the door. Jean nodded and whispered something to Connie the two males left.

                 "Come on Sasha let's go get dinner." Rose said.
                  "Why what about Eren?" Sasha asked. Rose glanced at Eren.
                "He is busy."
                 "No he's not."

Rose grabbed Sasha by the hand and dragged the girl out like a child who was in trouble and Sasha acted like a child who had said no to her mother.

              "What do you remember Eren about the expedition?" Armin asked.
              "Uh I remember fighting the female titian. I remember turning into a titian and........."

He stopped, no he froze like he watching a horror movie reply in his head. He paled and his eyes went wide. Levi removed himself from the wall and got near the boy and said in his beep voice.

              "Oi bastard."

Eren snapped from his gaze and looked down to ashamed to look at his Captain.

            "They're dead right?" Eren asked tears formed in his eyes.
               "Yes they are. Thanks to you not only did I break my ankle saving your sorry ass we couldn't capture the female titian." Levi said. Mikasa stood but Armin reached for her from across the bed and yanked her down.
              "Calm down Mikasa." Armin said but she tried to escape the blondes grasp and Hangi held onto Mikasa's waist when she nearly lunged for Levi.

Levi turned around to walk away. He knew he was being far to hard on the boy who was three years younger than him and didn't have lots of experience but Levi was battling his own demons and needed to take it out on some one.


Everything seemed to freeze at that one word. Like it was a spell that forced the world to stop spinning.
Levi didn't need to turn around to see the hope in Eren's eyes. He loved his sister more than anything and the thought of her lifeless body killed Eren and Levi alike.

            "She was there when I woke up. Is she she okay Captain?" Eren asked.
            "To my knowledge yes. Be thankful she wasn't taken from you Eren. Your sister is a determined soul, you have a thing or two to learn from that younger sister of yours about how to save your own ass." 

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