Chapter 2

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Our school is called Havenwood High. Its a private dorm school, plenty expensive. My sisters and I came here not to long ago.

We came on a scholarship, Jeanette is incredibly smart, and Havenwood High wanted her really bad. Eleanor and I were so super sad that Jeanette was leaving us.

But the thing is, the scholarship had more than enough money on it. In fact, it had way to much!

Jeanette payed for all of us to come. And when we first arrived, things were good.

But then we met the Chipmunks. We already knew who they were, of course, but they didn't know us.

Simon and Jeanette, talk about love at first sight! Meanwhile, Eleanor and Theo became instant bestfriends. But, Alvin wasnt in to me. He doesn't completely ignore me or anything, we just dont talk.

And when Hazel arrived, he fell in love with her. My heart fell whenever I saw him flirting with her in class. Was I not pretty enough? And then, eventually, he asked her out.

They were insperiable. And Hazel and I weren't exactly close.

I hated coming here, and the school in general. Who wants to watch the love of their life make out with another girl?

And yes, I have witnessed that.

My roomate, her name was Daisy. She was okay, she wasn't gross or anything. But she was a hell of a tombgirl. She also didn't really talk much, which was okay with me, because I like to do most of the talking anyway.

She usually responded with a grunt, but I knew she was listening.

I would like to call Daisy one of my bestfriends.

I was in our dorm, Daisy was reading a book. I was telling her about what had recently happened today.

"And, OMG, DAISY he looked at me today! I mean, he has a girlfriend so..ya know?"

Daisy grunted.

"I know, right! But anyway, he is totally into Hazel, I mean, we all wear uniforms here, but she makes them look like a fashion show! Ya know?"

Daisy grunts again.

"True,Daisy,so true,I respect your judgement. I dont like her either but I can compliment someone when I want to."

Daisy raised an eyebrow.

"Whatttt? I dont like her,she stole my man!"

Daisy chuckles.

"Okay,so maybe we're not dating..yet"

My phone rang so I pick it up. Its Jeanette.

She shouts into the phone;


(Jeanette is the hallway monitor's assistant)

I reply by smugly saying,

"Hey,you called me."

Jeanette groans,

"This is a big school,Brittany,big you dont wanna mess our chances up here!"




After 10 pm we have to turn our phones off,it sucked.

I shut my phone down and put it on the deskdrawer next to my bed.

Tomorrow? Big day.

I talk to Daisy again,

"Night,Daze,see ya tomorrow."

She grunts and turns off the light.

I slip into bed and close my eyes.

*******Author here. How is it? Stay tuned,donuts.******


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