Chapter 28

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This chapter will explain why Alvin was like how he was like. Some people PM'ed me and asked me why he was even mean in the first place. So I dedicated this chapter to explain. I guess you can call it Chapter 28.5 😂 since it's technically not a..nvm just read.


Brittany comes back and her face looks perplexed and worried.

"Why the face?" I ask her. "You won, remember?"

"Yes," she whispers. "I just.. I just talked to Hazel."

"What did she say?" Behind me, I hear Jeanette ask timidly.

Brittany shrugs. "Stupid stuff. Have you guys seen Chloe?"

"Yeah." Stacy says. "She just got taken to her dorm to collect her stuff. She kept threatening that she was going to make her parents sue the school."

"Oh, please." I scoff, seeing Brittany's eyes turn wide. "Like she can."

"Brittany, don't worry." Heather sits down and holds eye contact with Britt. "Everything will be alright. We're here for you."

Brittany nods.

I decide to go outside and pay Hazel a visit.

Brittany's eyes cloud with confusion as she watches me go but she says nothing.

As I walk out, I see Hazel on a bench, sobbing uncontrollably.

Hearing my feet, Hazel looks up and gasps. "Alvie?" Her voice cracks, and her eyes look puffy and swollen from all the crying.

Seeing her like this made me pity her.

"That's not my name." I answer.

"You used to let me call you that." Hazel says, looking at me. "Before her."

Talking with Hazel like this brought back so many memories. Back when we used to date, I used to think she was a goddess that had taken my heart away. I had run after her, trying to court her, trying to please her, making sure she was happy, pampered.

I was never enough for her.

It made me a cruel, mean, heartless jerk who didn't give two fucks of all the people I loved.

Until I met Brittany.

She made me realize how brutal I was, she broke through my tough exterior, and brought me back to the old me.

It was her all along.

"Alvin, we could try again." Hazel whimpers, trying to look vulnerable under her thick eyelashes. She knows they used to persuade me to do anything.

"Hazel, I've moved on now, and I think you should too."

Her mouth drops slack and her eyes widen. "Alvie! How could you say such a thing! Brittany ruind everything! Y-you never took any relationships seriously! What's the difference with

"Brittany made me feel the happiness of loving someone. You made me feel worthless. That's the difference."

Hazel starts to sob again. "I lost you." She cries. "I-I thought you would come back to me, but I really, truly, lost you."

I pitied her, sitting on that bench and crying over me. The fact that I didn't feel a drop of sadness for her scared me, but I didn't. Hazel and I were never meant to be.

"Bye Hazel." I start to walk away.

"Alvie?" With a voice like a small child, I hear Hazel call my name.

I turn around. "Yeah?"

"I will always love you -no matter what."

"That's good to know." I keep walking, but then I turn around. "And by the way, the names 'Alvin' not 'Alvie'."

I briskly walk into the building and close the door, not looking back. I wouldn't miss her, and I certainly wouldn't ever be able to love her back, not after she did what she did to Brittany.

Nope, not at all.

Yay :) thank you for reading :) i hope this explained well enough.

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