Chapter 7

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Brittany's POV

I walked out of lunch feeling a little sick.

Knowing all these things about Alvin didn't make anything nice anymore.

I rushed over to my dorm room,in search for Daisy.

I needed someone chill to talk to right now.

And I wouldn't make the same mistake as to go to the Lounge Room.

My phone buzzed,so I pulled it out.

It was Eleanor.

Ellie: got a dollar!? Need it asap!!

Me: i thought u weren't gonna use ur phone? Lolz

Ellie: change of plans! But seriously, do u?

Me: yup. Now,why do u need it hmm?

Ellie: im in on a bet. Whoever could bake the best strudel. I lost. His was better. I owe him one. Wouldn't have made this bet if i thought i was gunna lose.

Me: ya,ur right. But anyways i gotta dollar,so hold up. Whose 'him' anyway?

Ellie: theo

Go figure.

I look up,because I swear I heard a noise.

But there's nothing there,or noone there,really.

I head back to the lunchroom.

Eleanor is rolling her eyes,while Theo is smiling smugly as everyone ate his strudel.

When she sees me,she sighs a sighof relief.

"Thank goodness! What took ya so long? Where is it?cmon now hurry up!"

Nice to see you,too.

I take the dollar out my pocket and pass it to her.

She thrusts it at Theo.

"There! Happy?"

Theodore laughs,

"Your just jealous"

Eleanor makes a face,

"I am not!"

But at the side of her mouth was a slight and small smile. Does my lil sis like someone? Thats so cuuuuutee. I ship them,anyway.

I start to walk away when someone walks in.

And that someone,is Alvin.

I freez in my tracks and so does Theo. Eleanor makes an annoyed face.

Alvin flashes all of us dazzling smiles

Eleanor rolls her eyes,

"Oh,spare me."

Alvin chuckles,and turns to Theodore.

"Hey,lil bro. How's it goin?"

Theodore looks down.

This was so sad! It was obvious Theo still cared for Alvin like a little brother would,but all the trust he had in Alvin was gone.

Alvin smiles,

"No answer? Thought we were brothers."

This was getting tense.

Theo stiffined,

"Yeah,I thought we were. I never knew you would call me fat. Is that what brothers do?"

Eleanor sent Alvin a death glare,


Alvin just smiled.

He really was a jerk. But a cute,funny,awesome..

How could I think of him like this if he was hurting everyone around me?

I knew the answer,though.

I was blinded by love.

When I rolled that thought around my mind,I got kind of embarrassed.

Before he leaves,Alvin walks close to me,and I feel something press on the back of my paw.

Alarmed,I look up. But he's leaving.

"I gotta go guys." I say,apologetically.

They nod.

I soon as I was out of there I looked at the back of my paw.

It was a note.

I look at it.

It says,To Brittany ♡

I unfold it,and take a look at it:

Dear Brittany,

Your interesting. How about we talk? Meet me after all the classes are done. Behind the school,in the park. 6:30 to be exact. I know you and the others kind of dont trust me. I want you to trust me. I want you in general. Hope I'll see you? That threat that I told you was bland. Dont worry about it ;) If you tell anyone I could care less.

  Sincerely, Alvin Seville

As Im reading and then re-reading it,my palms start to sweat. The paper gets a little damp. (Gross)

But Alvin,The Alvin Seville,wants to see me?

But Jeanette's words ring in my head.

"I have bad vibes about Alvin, like really bad vibes. Stay away from him."

What if I don't want to? Besides,wasnt I the older one here? I think I can make my own descions,anyway.

***there ya go! Keep reading!***


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