Chapter 8

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Alvin's POV

Theodore:alvin!spin me! And dont stop like you always do!

Simon:*glances up from book * don't be too harsh, alvin.

Alvin: yeah,yeah *grabs theo and spins him*

Theo: i can fly!

Alvin: *smiles*

I need to stop thinking of  Simon and Theo's and I's good days.

Besides, I had a mission..a big one, too. I needed to speak to the newest munk on my mind. The one and only,

Brittany herself.

I could just imagine her falling hopelessly in love with me..and right when she thinks we were both star crossed lovers that could never part, I would dump her.

Besides,haven't I already done it with Hazel? I considered myself as a pro at breaking hearts.

I went easy on Hazel,but Brittany was gonna find out how good I am the hard way,

Which is the worst way.

"Thoughts don't go away,thoughts stay forever."

I roll my eyes..this class was quite boring and making 6:30 seem like it was too far away.

"So do thots." I whisper to Jake,one of my great buddies,that happened to be sitting next to me.

His eyes widen and then he burts out laughing.

Mr.Cole sends him a glare so hard,it keeps him quiet for some time.

As soon as he turns around Jake leans towards me.

"You like Brittany?" He whispers. "I heard some rumors about you two."

I put on a stone face. He didn't need to know anything about my plan with Brittany. And I mean nothing.

I wave a dismissive hand on the subject in front of his face,"I don't like her. F the rumors."

He smiles,"good,shes so nerdy and stuff,always watching you and clinging to her sisters and hanging out with that wierd girl Daisy. Though  shes actually kind of pretty. If you date her,I would unfriend you,no joke." He laughs like he just said something funny.

Now I really won't tell him.

"She watches me?" I ask,amused that he noticed and half amused because I've never noticed.

"You living under a rock? She does it all the time." He said it like he couldn't believe I hadn't noticed.

"Well,it's not like I watch her. And anyway, I'm still with Hazel, remember? She doesn't let me look at other girls." I chuckle.

"Ah, Hazel. She is fine. If you break up with her,you know who to recommend her to." He smiles blissfully.

I found it incredibly funny that he was never afraid to share his opinions about my girlfriends with me. He almost acted nonchalant,like he didn't care if I cared or not. Or what I did. If I was in his place I guess I would feel the same way. I was 3 ft tall (standing up) and he was 5'9. I guess I wouldn't be very intimidated either.

"Alvin? Class is over. Bro, you deaf?!" Jake exclaims,waving his hands in my face. "Let's get outta here."

"Alright." I say, shrugging and getting up. "What time is it?" I ask him.

"5:20. Why?"

"I have an appointment planned." I say,smiling breezily. "And I don't think it would look nice on my reputation if I was late."

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