Chapter 4

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Alvin's POV

I saw her.

She had blue eyes,and golden fur,like Hazel but a shade lighter.

She probably saw the whole thing.

I was about to call out to her,but she runs away.

Her sisters were into my brothers.

What was her name,again? Bethany? I dont know, I just wanna know if she's gonna tell anyone.

It'll be kinda bad on my reputation if she does.

I ponder which girl I should go after. Hazel,or Bethany? Hazel seems like a better choice though. If we make up,and Bethany tells everyone,they'll think shes lying. But if I stop Bethany before she could tell anyone...

Brittany's POV

Omg he saw me.

What will I do if I see him in the hallways? Take a different path? And is he mad that I heard? Well,technically he doesn't really know if I saw the whole thing or not. For all I know,I could just be a random student who had happened to walk in the courtyard for fresh air.

But then again..I did run. Yup,he knows.

I needed some sister time. Lots of help from them,actually. I call up Eleanor.

She doesn't answer,so I text.

She always answers her texts.

Me: ellie?can u talk?

Ellie: yes..dont call,britt,we r still in school

Me: oh,yaaah,i mustve furgot

Ellie: *forgot

Me: no,i spelled it wrong on purpose..

Ellie: oh

Me: anyway,i saw them

Ellie: wat?who???

Me: hazel and alvin,in the courtyard. Alvin wanted to leave..but hazel didnt. She calls him 'alvie' cringy.

Ellie: more like ur so jealous

Me: mmkay

Ellie: wut else happened? Thats it?

Me: no! Omg i almost furgot! So,hazel gets pissed at alvin,and they break up.

Ellie: woah..

Me: ikr? So,as shes walking away..alvin turns around and he sees me! Embarrassing much? I cant believe it. And then, (because im stupid) i run away. Which basically tells him that i saw and heard everything.

Ellie: u should've kept on walking, britt!

Me: ik,ik! Ughhh

Ellie: so now wat?

Me: guess i have to dodge him now.

Ellie: u cant dodge him 4ever..

Me: ik. This is bad. Really bad.

Ellie: gtg! Teachers coming! Ttyl..txt jean to help ya out..

Me: okay,thx ellie

Ellie: np,big sis

-Ellie,has logged offline-

I open up my chat with Jeanette.

Me: ik i shouldn't have my phone! But i soooo need ur help,jean!

Jean: oh,gr8

Me: ;)

Jean: wut do ya want ?

Me: so..i walk out to the courtyard.i see alvin & hazel. They're fighting about sumthing. Alvin wants to run,but hazel wants to stay. So then,they get mad at eachother. Then they break up. Alvin turns around...and he sees me...WUT DO I DO?

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