Chapter 11

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~ Alvin ~

"So..are you messing with her?" He asked me.

"Duh." I replied, with a hint of a smile at the edge of my lips. "You haven't figured it out by now?"

"No." Jake admitted, lighting a cigarette. "I guess I haven't."

"So many girls have asked you to the dance, and you pick her? What a waste of time." Hazel said, examining her nails and rolling her eyes.

I smiled to myself. I knew she was jealous.

We were in the Lounge Room and Jake and I and a couple of friends were playing some video games. Hazel and some of her friends were here too. For instance, Chloe. Chloe had a mass of curly blond fur and crystal blue eyes, that she was just irresistible. I had to take my eyes off of her repeatedly. And for once, she was a chipmunk.

Chloe wasn't exactly wearing the longest skirt, either. Hazel and her friends just came back from cheerleading practice..and boy, did those uniforms make me the most perverted dude on the planet.

"I didn't know you smoked." Jessica mentioned, indicating to Jake. "Since when?"

"Since yesterday." He said, puffing a huge cloud of smoke in her face. "I feel independent."

"If that's what makes you happy." I said absently, my eyes wandering back to Chloe's short skirt. She saw me and smirked. I smirked back. Damn, she was naughty.

"Well, I feel like retching." Jessica said, waving her hands in the air and making a face.

Hazel crinkled her nose. "I agree. How do you tolerate that stuff?"

"I remind myself that this is the meaning of life." He stated happily.

Hazel rolled her eyes. "You're starting to sound like my yoga teacher."

"You do yoga?" Jake asked, excitedly.

"Uh, yes." She answered, warily.

"Invite me next time. God, all that beautiful stretching...I'd get full view of everything I wanted to see.." he trailed off, dreamily.

I yawned and leaned back absently drumming rapidly on the floor.

Brittany Brittany Brittany Brittany

I needed to see Brittany.

"What time is it, fellas?" I asked, casually.

Jake squinted down at his phone screen. "5:30. I've given up on asking why."

I still had plenty of time. I stand up, telling everyone that I was gonna go take a breather. As soon as I was outside, I leaned against the building.

I felt so messed up. I didn't even know why. There was this tight knot in my stomach, and everytime I tried to make it relax, it got bigger.

I heard some footsteps behind me and half expected to see Brittany but saw Chloe, instead.

"Hello." She said softly, watching me with tender eyes.

I studied her. "Hi." I replied, averting my gaze to the sky.

She stands next to me for a while and doesn't say anything. I take a seat on a nearby bench and pat the spot next to it, indicating for her to sit down.

"I saw you checking me out." She said, giggling. "You're very bad at checking girls out without them noticing."

"Really? Well, atleast no ones complained yet."

She giggles again and I-totally without thinking-took my paw and pressed it on her back, pushing her to me. I dare not breath, lest I break the spell. But something told me that this was not how I wanted to kiss her. I sigh and let my arm fall limply at my side like once before.

A quick glance at her face and I could tell she was disappointed. Oh well.

"Whose going with you to the dance?" She asks, searching my face.

"Brittany." I say, sighing.

"Brittany? Your joking." Her eyes ran over my face, looking for one hint of a
joke. There was none.

She sighed and got up. "Let's go." She said, impatiently. "This isn't working out. We don't even have chemistry."

I shrugged and smiled. I didn't ask her to follow me.

As soon as we got back inside, Jake eyed me. "What were you guys doin'"?

"Talking." I answered.

"Whatever." He said, dropping the subject. "Hey, do you know if Simon can do my homework? I gotta go somewhere this weekend, I just won't have time."

"I don't know." I said, truthfully.

"Blackmail him again." Jake suggested. "Tell him that we have a photo of one of his private parts and will post it all over Facebook if he doesn't do my homework."

"We blackmailed him last about we try something new?" I sounded so weak, anyone could hear the weakness trembling in my throat. I hated blackmailing Simon. He was so loyal back in our old days. I knew he had a busy schedule.

"Do it." Jake commanded. "Or I will."

I didn't say anything to him, I just logged into my unblockable account that Si made for me back in our brotherhood days. I told him that I needed to talk to Jenny so that she could hear me out on facts of why I liked her.

Simon suggested making me an unblockable account. Aka; no matter how hard he tried, he could never block me.

Yep. I took something that Simon made for me, and used it against him. I sounded like the devil himself.

Me: missed me?

Si: don't text me, leave me alone. Not 2day Alvin.

Me: ok. But first, im gunna need a favor

Si: no! I have a chemistry test coming up, i need all hands on deck time to study!

Me: did i ask? Do i care? Look, im just gonna need u 2 do 24 easy algebra questions. Cmon u can do that, right?

Si: i guess so..

Me: oh, and also, if u don't, someone managed to get a picture in the most awkwardest place on u. That will be sent on Facebook if not done by 24:00 army time on Friday.

Si: i hate u so much..

Me: yup, ik. Just a btw, did you tell britt and her sisters that i blackmail u?

Si: well, yes

Me: do u wanna see ur pic on Facebook?

Si: no! Plz!

Me: then keep ur godamn mouth shut.


Me: alright, that's it. Hope to see u 2morrow

-me has logged offljne-

You think this is easy?

You have no idea....

Eh, not really a purposeful chapter but I just wanted you guys to see a soft part of Alvin. He is mean, but not at heart. He still had some feelings left so Simon was partly wrong. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a nice day!

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