Chapter 17

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Omg, Hazel POV! it's about to get interesting... let's get started, shall we?


"Chloe." I say, rolling my eyes. She didn't understand.

"Don't Chloe me." Chloe says, annoyingly.

"What? You just don't get it." I needed to explain to her why I wanted to do this after party. I was calling for desperate measures.

"Get what? Can you just tell me why we have to do this? And while we're at it, how about you tell me which dorm it's gonna be in, and how we'll pull this off!" Chloe shouts, making a few people look over.

"We'll pull this off." I reassure her. I swallow, I hope.

"Chloe," I start. "Notice something wierd? At cheerleading practice, we were cheering for Alvin, and when he looked over, we were in the right position! But no, he looks away."

"So?" Chloe asks, shrugging and eating a carrot. "I don't even like him."

"Well, I do!" I shout, frustrated. "And I know why he didn't keep looking like he used to."

"Why?" Chloe asks, no real interest in her tone. I tell her anyway,

"Because, he's starting to like-" I gag before I say her name. "Brittany."

"Hm." Chloe says.

"She's taking over his heart, what the hell!? When I was dating him, he wasn't that into me. But we did kiss all the time. Then, I saw it. He was getting bored of me. With each passing day I could see him staring at her. Then, he broke up with me, well, I broke up with him. I don't even know anymore!" I was so confused, you don't just leave someone in the dust like that. I felt used, totally used.

And he was, I knew it all along, he was using me.

"I didn't care, at first you know." I continue, when Chloe makes no comment. "I thought he would get tired of her, like he got tired of me. But no he ends up liking her more!"

"Gosh, chill. Can't he like whoever he wants?" Chloe asks, biting into a peice of broccoli.

"No." I say, my voice stone cold. "He can't. Not when he just dumped me like that."

"Omg, Hazel, realize!" Chloe exclaims, waving her hands in front of my face. "He never broke up with you, you broke up with him!"

"So?" I ask, looking her up and down

"Are you clueless?" She asks, swallowing some lettuce. "Girl, he's single."

O. M. G. She was so right. Alvin was still open.

Anyway, we needed a change of subject.

"What's with all the vegetables you're eating these days?" I ask, scrunching up my nose as she demolishes 3 tomatoes.

"New diet." She explained. "Hon, do you really think my body is this perfect with McDonalds inside of me? Ha, pleasee."

"I can't believe I'm going to the dance with lowlife Chris." I say, shaking my head. "I wanted to go with Alvin."

"And so did 50 other girls. Get a grip."

"Ugh, but I was so sure he would ask me!" I cried, getting ticked off. "What an embarrassment when he tells us he has to take care of some quote unquote, 'business.' Walks over to her table, and asks her in front of the whole school. The nerve!"

"That was what, a week ago?" Chloe asks, mouthing a forkful of cauliflower.

"Yeah, but it feels like it was just yesterday, with everybody always talking about it."

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