Chapter 12

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~ Brittany ~

"So, what color should my dress be?" I asked Daisy. "I'm thinking a light, shimmery, pink." I smiled just thinking about it.

Daisy smiled and nodded. She approved.

"Also." I said, excitedly. "You won't believe this, but someone asked me to the dance!"

She looked relatively happy for me, but I knew Daisy just wasn't interested in these type of things.

"Wanna know who?" I persisted.

She looked over at me.

"Alvin!" I swooned and fell on top of my bed, forgetting everything and remembering how he had asked me at lunch.

I looked over at Daisy, half expecting her to be rolling her eyes and smiling. But..her face had turned a shade darker. Her eyes had turned to stone.

"Daisy?" I asked, not understanding why she looked like that.

She didn't reply. She didn't even look like she still knew I was here.

"Daisy." I replied, a little scared. "Daisy!"

She turned to face me, face dark.

"Did you say Alvin?"

I gasped, I hadn't heard Daisy speak once in all this time that I've known her.

What the heck!!?

"Y-yes why?" I asked, confused.

She sighed. "Brittany, I don't know if I want you to go with him."

Omg, again!? First Jeanette, then Simon, now Daisy!!?

"Daisy." I said, exasperated. "I don't care what you want. I'm going with him, that's that."

I half expected her to banter back but instead she formed her lips into a tight line (which she only did when she was angry) and turned back to face the book she was reading. I was foolish to think that Daisy would want to fight, she wasn't even like that.

I sighed and pulled out my phone.

I checked my Instagram. I was scrolling aimlessly through recent posts and double tapping when all of a sudden my thumb froze in mid-air. Jeanette had taken a picture with Simon and the caption was; "when you know you're meant for eachother💓"

I sighed. I would've usually commented; "goals" or somewhere along the lines of that, but I was still so angry at them.

They acted as if they knew so much more than me and it really was a little annoying. I knew they meant the best, but why do they always have something to say?

I was not some gullible, preppy, stuck-up girl who people think they saw in me I was so much more then that. Alvin tells me all the time about how much he likes my personality.

Why couldn't the people closest to me see that?

"I can't believe Alvin asked you to the dance," Eleanor tells me. "I mean, it was a little..unexpected. Don't you think?"

Actually, no, I didn't think that but whatever.

"Yeah, it was quite a surprise and a little old-fashioned considering he asked me at lunch."

"Yeah." Eleanor agreed, relieved that I wasn't mad. "At lunch? Wow, he must've got that from somewhere, sometime."

"Yep." I say, a little bored with this topic. Everyone was surprised, and I guess, so was I. Alvin was popular, good-looking, and I'm sure he had a lot of girls asking him already, but having conversations like these kept reminding me of all this and it didn't help me feel less nervous.

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