Chapter 16

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Update from later today: actually meant to post this this morning, I forgot. Enjoy.


"Trust no one. Trust no one..."




-you have been zombified. Continue?-

"No thanks." I mumble, throwing my cursor down.

"Haha!" Jeanette shrieks. "I win again!"

"Yeah, because I didn't take over the school." I say, just to get her ticked off.

She narrows her eyes at me. "You really think I won because you didn't take over the school?"

"Yes." I lie, making her smirk.

"Okay, Simon. You believe that." She turns back towards the TV.

I hated this game. Zombie Apocalypse 2. It was a waste ot time, I could never win.

It's not like I was good at video games or something. (Like Alvin.) It's just that I usually gradually got better by overall experience.

But with this game, I kept making the same stupid mistakes!

You're supposed to keep the kids in the school safe from the zombies that were trying to get in.

First off, impossible. There was no way you could block off the whole school.

Second off, knock off. I feel like this game is rigged, and I just wasted my money, which gets me more triggered.

Last but not least, Jeanette loved this game, and she kept winning! How? She's not even in to video games. Swore she's never touched one in her life.

"Simon, care for another round?"

"No thanks." I grumble, making her smile. At first, I was letting her win, you know, being the gentleman and all.

But the thing is, while she was getting better, I was getting worse.

And it's like she took my gentlemaness for advantage.

Poor, poor me.

"So." Jeanette says, taking my silence as annoyance and sitting down on the couch with me.

"So?" I ask, turning off the TV (save energy, guys)

She takes my phone and scrolls through it. I usually let her. Take my phone, I mean. I had nothing to hide anyway. No point in hiding it.

"About your brother." She said the word like it was hard to say. My cheeks turn red. She didn't deem Alvin as a real bro, at all.

"What about him?"

"I.." she looks at me. "I overheard him talking to some girls today. He was talking about you guy's performances that ya'll used to do."

Oh, that? Why? We haven't even performed together for so long. Not after he stopped talking to Theo and I. And anyway, Dave usually didn't let us preform when at school. Only locally.

She looks at me. "Do you guys still preform?"

"Not as much." I say slowly, remembering. "No, not after Alvin decided he wanted to ignore us."

She stays silent.

"What're you thinking about?" I ask, uneasy. Everyone deemed Jeanette as quiet and shy. But around people close to her, she was sarcastic and logical.

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