Chapter 13

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Considering that the Fall Festival dance is only a week away, I was really freaking out. Everyone was always talking about matching and lipstick, and blah, blah, blah. But me? Oh man, I was confused.

And it felt weird because when it came to fashion, I was it's master. I'm the one who usually helped my sisters out.

But right now, it was the other way around.

Jeanette and Eleanor and Simon and Theo were all sitting around me, watching Ellie and Jean, help me pick out a dress.

"Noooo, not that one!"

"Britt, it's the only color that I think'll suit you." Jeanette says, leaning over my laptop and smiling approvingly at the dress.

"Jeanette's right." Simon said, taking one look at the dress and yawning. "You'll look..nice."

"Thanks." I mumble, knowing that's the way he compliments people. (Unless it's Jeanette)

"Let's do something!" Eleanor says, glancing at me.

And it wasn't only glancing. Sometimes, she would kind of stare at me with this faraway look in her eyes. It scared me. At first, I had thought it was maybe food or something on my face but there was nothing there.

"Sure." Jeanette shrugged. "Let's do something."

"Movies?" Theo suggested. "There's this new one coming out; The Outsiders. It's pretty cool."

"Sci-fi?" I asked, already not liking the name.

"Yeah." He said, sheepishly. "But it's really awesome! You'll forget it was sci-fi."

"I'm in." Eleanor shrugs.

"Me too." Jeanette says, looking at me.

"Fine." I say, rolling my eyes. "I'll go."

"You might just enjoy it." Theodore winks.

"Now, we have a teensy problem." Simon said, looking around at all of us. "We have to convince our hallway  monitors."

"I'm the definition of convince." Eleanor says, smiling widely.

"Uh, no you're not."

She glares at me. "Just you watch."

"They'll let us go, no need for convincing." Jeanette said.

I had totally forgot that she was the hallway monitors assistant.

"It's just across the street." Jeanette  says, shrugging. "And they don't let us out after 10pm. It's 7:30"

"What if the movie is 2 hours?" I ask, eyeing her.

"Then we'll have to leave early. Simple."

"Alright." I say. "Let's go then."

We put on sweaters and head out into the night.


"How about it?" Hazel asked me.

I shook my head. "How about what? "

"Are you even listening?" She said, in frustration. "Listen to me!"

"Fine. Sorry. Continue."

"I'm going to have an after party." She starts, glancing to see my reaction.

I keep my face straight.

"Just to make sure that if the actual Fall dance is lame, we'll have something to make sure everyone'll have fun."

"Whose we'll." I ask, confused. "I'm not helping."

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