Chapter 27

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Scene: Brittany is taking Chloe and Hazel to court, so that they could have a punishment for what they did to her. Her family (the Chipettes) and friends (the Chipmunks, Stacy, Heather, Nicole & Mrs. Delma, Daisy), will all be sitting in the pews supporting her.

No one's POV

"Brittany, would you like to press any charges?"

Brittany studies Hazel and Chloe's face very closely. "Yes," she says, voice cold. "I was drugged unknowingly, handled rashly, talked to rudely, and humiliated. I am holding charges, Sire."

The Judge then turns to Chloe and Hazel. "Do you plead yourselves guilty?"

With a bold toss of her head and a shoulder flounce, Chloe shakes her head and locks eyes with Brittany. "No."

"And why not?"

"You have no proof." Hazel butts in, nodding at the Judge.


"Oh! I forgot!" I hear some rustling up in the pews, and Mrs. Delma pushes in her glasses and opens her purse. She escalated down the stairs and places the documents on the Judge's table.

"What's this?"

"Proof." Mrs. Delma looks so strong and bold for her age, it brings tears to my eyes. She cares.

And so do the rest of my friends! I look up at them, and Ellie crosses her fingers nervously for me, Jeanette looks calm and collected, but I can see her nervously wringing her hands, Alvin winks slyly while mouthing:

'I'm here for you.'

Simon grins and nods, and Theo flashes me a thumbs-up.

I smile up at all of them in response, swallowing a choke. This wasn't the time to cry.

The Judge studies the documents throughly and thoughtfully. "Any visual proof?"

"Yes Sire." She pulls out a camera.

He looks at it closely. "Let's play it."

A man with a shiny black mustache and black shiny boots runs up to the table, takes the camera, and sticks it in the dvd player.

It shows the gym cameras first, where Hazel, Chloe and I are talking near the back. Where they drugged me.

It then shows Hazel handing me something, and me drinking it.

"Pause!" The Judge calls out.

The video pauses, and the Judge turns to me. "You drank an unknown substance?"

"I- I didn't want to look lame, Sire." I sounded lame, Hazel and Chloe snicker simultaneously. "I mean, it's the first dance I've ever went to, and I thought it was a normal drink."

The Judge says nothing. "Continue!"

It then shows Alvin coming up behind me and placing his arms around my hips.

"Pause!" The Judge cries. "Who is that?"

"Me!" Alvin calls up from the stands.

"And you're sure he did nothing to you?" The Judge asks.

He's right..Alvin might've been planning this with Hazel all along! Maybe even-

I think of how he had told me he loved me. "I'm sure."

The video continues, we then switch to the hallway cameras, where Hazel and Chloe were dragging me in a bag, it then switches to the janitor closet camera, where they take me out. Next, Chloe is pulling my dress off and putting it on, Hazel puts her (Chloe's) dress on me, and they both leave.

"Stop." The Judge commands.

The man with the mustache stops it, takes it out, and gives it to Mrs. Delma.

"Do you now plead yourselves guilty?" The Judge asks sternly, nodding at Hazel and Chloe.

"No," they say.

"Well, not on my watch." The Judge, who I am sure does not do often, smiles. "Hazel and Chloe, guilty of stripping a student naked, trying to  fraud an identity, also dealing with drugs, punishment: expelled from the school and a summer vacation of work. Final!" He slams the mallet down so hard, it makes Hazel and Chloe wince.

With tears in my eyes, I run to my sisters.

I hug them both, gathering them in my arms. "Britt! You won!" Ellie shrieks, squeezing me tightly.

Jeanette also hugs me tight. "Good job, sis." She whispers into my ear.

When they pull away, I thank Stacy, Heather, and Nicole for coming.

"No problem!" Nicole tells me. "I knew Hazel and Chloe were no-good, but I didn't know they were that cunning!"

"Me neither." Stacy says. "They went too far, it wouldn't be right not to support you."

I then hug Alvin and squeal. "I did it!"

"You did it." He says, smiling. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks for coming." I tell him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I hug him again, earning a few 'aww's' from our crowd.

Mrs. Delma then walks up to me and squeezes me shoulder. "Thank you!" I tell her, eyes welling. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help!"

Mrs. Delma shakes her head and points to my chest. "It was all you."

I hug myself tightly and exit, telling the others I was just going to take a walk, to get things off my mind.

I walk out into the warm, sunny, yet windy day. On a bench, I see Hazel. She was crying, tears rolled down her cheeks.

I reluctantly walk up to her. "You okay?"

"Don't talk to me!" She shrieks, making me step backward. "You seem to get everything you want -whenever you want it! Now, I can't even be able to have a fun summer vacation, but rather, doing lame community services! And I'm expelled! I'm moving out today!" She sobs, placing her head in her hands.

"You brought this upon yourself. Don't try to act so innocent. What you and Chloe did to me was wrong, manipulating, and unforgettable." I tell her, tone cold. I felt 0 sympathy for her. I start to walk back.

"I hate you, Brittany!" She shouts after me.

"The amount of fucks given?" I ask her, smirking. "Oh yeah; None."

I don't look back. That would hopefully be the last I've seen of her...and Chloe.

Speaking of Chloe, where was she?

I feel the end coming near :/ !! But as always, thx 4 reading guys! xx

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