Chapter 24

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Omg a Chloe POV!!


I glance around warily. Brittany's sisters would soon be here. If Haze wants to get away with this, she needs to hurry the hell up!

Hazel was seething at Brittany and walking back and forth, wondering what to do with her.

What kind of sucky plan was this?

"Haze," I warn. "Alvin, and her sisters will be here soon. Since all three of us are gone, they'll be suspicious. You need to hurry up and think."

Brittany struggled against the ropes that were holding her wrists tightly together. "Yeah." She agrees. "And you psycho bitches will be expelled from this school. You're not getting away with this."

"Yes. We. Are!" Hazel slams her fist against a wall.

I clench my teeth and wish I had never agreed to do this, never befriended Hazel. Brittany was right, we weren't going to get away with this.

How stupid are we for thinking we would.

"Don't slam your damn fists against the wall!" I exclaim, struggling to stay calm. "Do you want them to know we're here?"

I'm sure they've figured out we were somewhere in this hallway. It was just a matter of time before they find out where.

"Oh god." Hazel mutters, rubbing her temples. "I have no plan. We're going to get caught, Chlo."

I knew it!

Now just why the bloody hell did I agree?

"We could bury her," Hazel suggests, when I give her an icy silence as my reply.

"That would mean killing her. And I'm doing no such thing." Just the thought of killing anyone made me queasy. I hate death.

Hazel groaned. "What should we do, then?"

I look at Brittany, she had a wide smile on her face and she was surprisingly quiet. I realized she was very sparky, it was weird that she was quiet, actually.

Her tiara was starting to slip off.

I swoop down amd snag it, turning to Hazel.

"Whadoya think, Haze?" I ask, wriggling my eyebrows.

"Oh god, you're perfect." Hazel pulls me into a fierce hug, nearly choking me.


"Good idea," Hazel continues. "Britt and I should swap. We would trick them all."

Oh, okay.

Behind me, I hear Brittany gasp. "You will do no such thing!"

"Shut up, bitch! No one's talking to you!" Hazel spat.

Brittany says in a shaky voice; "they'll know."

"Who will know? What're you talking about?" Hazel asks.

"You have hazel eyes. I have blue ones. My sisters would know."

"No!" Hazel shouts, angry that her plan backfired again.

"What do we do-" she turns to ask me but then stops. "You have blue eyes," She whispers.


What the hell was going on?

Brittany is missing?? Hazel amd Chloe took her? I could only hear snippets of Jean's and Si's hushed conversation where they decided they should just whisper the whole time.

"What's going on!" I finally shout.

Simon glares visibly at me in the dark hallway. "Why would you care?"

Oh, so we're back to that. What happened to the saying, forget the past, cus' there's always a future? Yeesh.

"Because I do!" I retort.

He curls his mouth into a tight ball. "Hm. Sure."

My blood felt boiling hot. Simon really knew how to piss me off.

"Do something, hothead." Simon sneers, taunting me. I caught a mischievous glint in his eye.

My hands curl into tight fists.

Jeanette places her paw on one of my fists. "Chill, he's joking."

"I know," I spit out.

"Then why so angry?"

"Because I didn't realize it until right now."

He laughs, making me roll my eyes. I swear, Simon wasn't as mature as most people thought he was.

"Omg!" Eleanor squeaks, grabbing onto Theo's arm.

"What happened?" Jeanette asks. "Did you hear anything?"

"Yes! It sounded" Eleanor pauses to glance quickly around in the dark hallway. "Like someone was hitting the wall."

"Which direction did you hear that from?" Si asks her, face stone serious.

Eleanor points with a shaky arm at a wall. "There," she whispers.

Simon rushes forward, pressing his ear against it.

"What do you hear?" Theo asks/whispers.

He frowns. "Nothing." Then, his eyes widen.

"W-what now?" Jeanette timidly asks.

Simon holds up a steady hand and leans more into the wall. "Oh, god." He mutters.

Patience already out, Jeanette pushes him out the way and presses her own ear on the wall.

Simon looks angrily at her and pulls her away, to him.

"What're you doing!?" Jeanette exclaims, placing her paws on his chest. He leaves his hand on her back and makes eye contact with her.

"Jeanette, when I say stay back, please stay back. Okay?"

"I-I.." she mutters, blushing at how close they were, I guess. Then, her face becomes enraged. "My sister is in there and I cannot listen to you, I am sorry!-" she doesn't get to finish, because Simon places his lips on hers.

Her eyes widen and you can tell she feels tense, but then melts in his arms and kisses him back.

When he pulls away, Jeanette pushes herself off. "I hate you!" She glares at him.

"I know," he smirks. "But you needed that, didn't you?"

She looks down and blushes. "Yeah," she says quietly, so quiet in fact that if I had not been listening, I would have missed it.

"Now that we're done kissing here, can we look for Britt?" I ask.

Simon ignores me and turns to Jean, Ellie, and Theo.

"We need a plan."

"Well, duh!" I shout, irrated. "You'd think we need one, right? We're on a godamn mission for petes' sake!"

Simon looks angrily at me. "Alvin, not the time, or the place. Shut up."

I exhale and cross my arms. I was being too jumpy. It's just..

The thought of losing Brittany made me sad...really sad. I loved her, and if Hazel was hurting her..

She had better watch her back. Revenge should've started with an 'A.'

Ik what you're thinking: 'You made me wait for a week and they didn't even get Britt in this chapter?'

Yes, and I'm sorry! Buttttt long chapters can make readers lose interest! And I want this story to be interesting.

So therefore, my chapters shall be getting shorter.

Don't hate me if you loved my long chapters! I feel as if it is for the best :)

¡Thx 4 reading you awesome donuts!


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