Chapter 25

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Many thoughts were swirling through my head. I.e;

Hazel is a kidnapper?

Why the hell are my sisters not here yet? Alvin!

What's going on @ the dance?

Is anyone even looking 4 me?

Alvin should know by now! He was the last one that saw me, and I was talking to Hazel amd Chloe.

Here's how I got here:


-at the dance-

"Try this!" Chloe gushed, pushing a glass of some unknown substance in my face.

"What's this?" I ask, trying to appear cool. Secretly thinking that I hope it didn't have alcohol.

"Some cool drink you should try." Hazel tells me, laughing at my hesitation. "C'mon, give it a chance."

"Alright." I take the cup with sweating paws and a beating heart.

'Don't do this.' Some unknown voice tells me inside my head

'And who are you?' I ask back.

'Your conscious. Duh. And if you ask me, you shouldn't drink that drink.'

'Well, that's why I didn't ask you.' I answer back, and tune my conscious out to tune back into reality.

I gulped the thing down in one chug.

"Yeah!" Chloe giggles, playfully bumping hips with me. "How do you feel?"

I burp -loudly- "greathh." Why were my words slurred?

All of a sudden, something warm places their hands on both of my hips. The familiar smell of Alvin overwhelms me and I lean into him, unable to really stand by myself.

"I'm gonna do something, baby." He murmers into my ear, his arms around my waist. "You keep talking with your friends."

But these aren't my friends! I wanted to tell him, but it was like my mouth was glued shut. I only nodded dumbly.

Then, he was gone, the last place I saw him was onstage.

Hazel had grabbed my wrist. She looked angry -very angry- she had seen Alvin and I.

Everyone was turned to the stage as Hazel started to drag me out into the hallway. I wanted to scream for help, but my mouth felt so... tight.

Before I pass out, I hear my conscious once again.

'Told you.' It says, before everything becomes black.

*back to reality*

Next thing I know, I'm in a trashbag!

Hazel and Chloe had drugged me!

Chloe pulls my pink masquerade dress over her head. She takes my tiara and puts it on, also my gloves and shoes.

Her hair! I think happily, smirking. I wasn't nessacarily blond but rather golden-brown.

Chloe was way to blond to fool anyone.

"Whose the princess now?" She asks me, smiling slyly.

I snort. As if you've won. She didn't even look remotely close to how I looked like tonight.

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