Chapter 3

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This class is boring.

No one is even listening.

The teacher looks incredibly pissed.

And Alvin,isnt in class today. Talk about a letdown. And neither is Hazel. Could they be together? Probably...

I'm trying to listen,but the whispers are coming from all aover the room,so its impossible. The teacher's face is red. Like,red,red. She keeps telling everyone to shutup.

Under the desk,I flip out my phone and text Eleanor.

Me: Ellie,Alvin isn't he over there? In ur class?

Eleanor replys fast,

Eleanor: no,but i saw him 2day out side. He was sitting on the bench by the courtyard and talking to hazel.


Eleanor: ikr,i also heard him say something to her.


Eleanor: chill,Britt. He was saying about how he wanted to run away with her,where they would stay 4ever. He also said that he loved her.


Eleanor: um,she didnt really say anything,she more or less did something,and she blushed.

Me: im going to go find them.

Eleanor: i knew i shouldn't have told u.

Me: but,thx.

Eleanor: dont go! Stay here! What will Jeanette say!

Me: tell her im off.

Eleanor: ughhhhhh

I turn off my phone and raise my hand.

The teacher points a mean look at me.

"What do you want?"

"May I go to the bathroom?"

"Yes,anything to get rid of all of you."

I slip out the room,and run outside,towards the courtyard.

There he is,but not Hazel. From behind a tree,I watch him.

He's on his phone,texting who knows? And his hoodie is facing me. He looks up briefly,as if he heard a noise,and then he looks down again.

Who was he texting?

Hazel walks out,and he smiles and puts the phone in his hoodie pocket.

I lean in so I can hear what they have to say.

Alvin speaks first,

"You ready? I wanna get outta here."


Hazel looks nervous,

"Alvie,I dont think this is a good idea..someone will notice,and my parents spent good money."


Alvin chuckles,

"It'll only be for a while,Hazel,get a grip."

"Alvin,its a stupid idea."


"Im not betting anything! Why do you act like a kid all the time?"

"Im not a kid.."

"Okay,Im sorry,I just dont wanna leave. So you can ask someone else."

"Maybe I will."

"Maybe you shouldn't."


"Just stay here,with me..."

She gives him a seductive smile,and curls her arms around him.

I gotta admit,the girl could be sexy when she wants to be. No wonder Alvin likes her.

Alvin shrugs her off.

"I hate this school. I wanna leave. Is this how much you love me? You don't even wanna run away with me."

"Alvie,I would've said no to anyone. And you know I love you."

"Doesnt feel like it"

Were they fighting?

Hazel looks defeated,and her shoulders crumble.

"Alvin,I want the best for you."

"Starting to sound like my dad."

Dave? That is Alvin's dad isnt it? Ive seen him before..

Hazel sighs,

"You know what,Alvie? I give up. Im done,do whatever you want."

Alvin grins,

"Your not breaking up with me,are you?"

"Maybe I am."

Alvin smirks,

"Nah,no girl breaks up with me."

"Excuse me? I can date and break up with whoever I want."

This was getting heated.

And classes were almost over,so the courtyard would be filled up soon.

Alvin pulls her towards him by her waist.

Oh,how I wish he would do that to me..

Hazel pushes him off.

"Dont touch me."

Alvin smirks,

"I'll touch whoever I want."

Hazel laughs,

"I should've realized before how conceded you are."

Alvin smiles,

"I should've realized how feisty you are."

"Shutup Alvin."


She balls her fists,

"That's it! We are over."

Alvin looks angry now,

"I dont need you,anyway."

She storms off and into the school.

Alvin turns around,and our eyes meet.


I hear the bell ring,and students swarm into the courtyard,laughing and talking.

Till' I cant see him anymore.

I run off.

Did I just witness Hazel and Alvin break up?

****how was this? Better,i know. Now that Alvin and Hazel are exes maybe britt has a chance,hmmmmmm. Stay tuned,donuts.********



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