Chapter 19

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"Are you and Britt okay?" He asks me.

"We're fine." I mumble.

I didn't want to talk about whatever grudge Brittany had agaisnt me right now. Right now, I just wanted to do this treasure hunt, it was getting interesting.

"Let's ask the kid." I urge him. "Remember-"

"Expect the unexpected, yes, I know." Theo said, making me giggle.

"You know me so well-"

"Better than you know yourself." He adds, making me blush. Sometimes, I wonder if he ever wonders about taking our friendship to another level.

Not too high, just right.

"Hi." I say to the mysterious boy, when we walk up.

He glances at us and spits. "Whaddyou want?"

I smile brightly, leaning towards him. "Heard of a treasure hunt?" I murmer, excitement building up in me as I wait (fingers twitching) for him to give me the next clue.

"Treasure hunt?" He questions, spits. Spits again. "Look, I'm too old for games, sorry."

"Oh. Sorry to have bothered you." I say, disappointed.

"You wanna treasure hunt?" He continues. He points toward an old lady sitting down on a bench and feeding some birds. "Ask her. So mysterious. Keeps looking up like she's expecting somebody-"

I didn't hear the rest, I just ran towards the old lady.

When she sees us she squints, alarm registering on her crinkly face.

"Hello." I greet again.

"Good afternoon.." she says.

"We're on a treasure hunt." I whisper, excitingly. "Do you happen to have another clue?"

"Do I!" She laughs. She stoops closer to me. "That means yes."

"Yes!" I shout, then laugh out loud. The lady laughs too. So does Theo.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Aw, shucks, no problem, darlin'." She coos, smiling at me. "Oh, and good luck."

I smile warmly at her. She does the same.

Theodore impatiently clears his throat, and we look at him and giggle.

"Sorry," the lady says, reaching inside of her coat pocket. "I guess I must've forgot!" She winks at me as she hands us the next clue.

Theodore hastily opens it. I smirk at him. Before, he had not wanted to do it, now it looked like he was about to swallow the paper whole. I knew he was getting into it.

I lean over to see what he was reading.

Dear friend,

You have come a long, long way. Just one more stop to go!-at this, Theodore groans considerably.-and I am sure that at the end of this hunt what is about to happen will be satisfying. Next, go to Yorkshire. It's a library. Keep going, the end is yet to come.

                              To your success,

"Okay, now I really, really, really, really, really want to know who Anonymous is!" Theodore practically shouts.

"Me too." I smirk. "But on we go to Yorkshire!...Wherever the heck that is!"

He laughs. "Yeah, let's go."

I turn around to face the lady, but mysteriously found that she was gone.

Hmmmm. I smell something fishy, and it's not just the tuna casserole on Theo's breath.

~ Brittany ~

"Ready?" Jeanette asks us.

"Ready," Alvin replies. "But what do I say?"

"Anything." Simon answers, walking over to place a paw on his shoulder. "And everything. Don't leave anything out."

"I won't," Alvin justifies, his chest swelling considerably. I beam at him.

"I know." Simon says, smiling at his long-lost (literally) brother. I hear Jeanette softly sniff behind me. Usually I was the one to shed a tear first. I guess somethings hit people especially hard.

~ Theodore ~

"Almost there!" The taxi dude tells us, glancing back briefly.

I look at Eleanor, whose smiling, humming "Can't Stop The Feeling" to herself, and looking out the window.

I really appreciate how she had helped me the whole way. I would have never been able to do it alone. I remember how she had single-handedly waded into Swan Lake, walked right up to talk to the creepy guy at the park, talked kindly to the nice old lady at the baseball field, and ordered this taxi for us..for free too!

Eleanor was a miracle that had come into my life. I would never let her go.

I open my mouth to thank her when the taxi stops and my mouth becomes dry.

Eleanor turns to face me. "Are you ready?"

"No," I reply, rather raspy.

"Don't worry." She assures me, slipping her paw in mine. "We'll do this together."

Her paw, those eyes, the way she was smiling at me, is what drove me to kiss her, I think. She doesn't pull away but sharply inhales but then leans in.

When I pull away, I look at her worriedly. Did this ruin our friendship?

"Eleanor, look, I'm sorry-" she places a single finger on my lips, and silently pulls me to her, kissing me again.

When we finally decide to pull away, her green eyes were twinkling with delight. The taxi driver was grinning.

"Done?" He asks. Eleanor smiles brightly at him. Most drivers would of probably have told us to get our furry little selves out the car. He was a nice driver, and I smile too.

"Yeah." I reply, looking lovingly at Eleanor. "We're done."

She grips my paw tighter, pulling me out the car. She sticks her head in the passenger seat window. "Thank you." She says.

"No problem." He winks at us and takes off, leaving us on the busy sidewalk in front of Yorkshire, the library.

"Let's go in." She whispers to me.

I hope this won't be a joke.

I push the door open, and AC blasts me furiously, making me shiver, and sending goosebumps up my arms. I grip even tighter to Eleanor's paw.

What I see makes my jaw drop, what she sees makes her laugh.

Lol, I'm evil. CLIFFHANGER. How was dis chapter y'all? Anyway, I was so wrong I do have readers. Shoutout to you all!!♡♡:



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