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I really wanna do a rp with somebody but I'm wondering who would want to do it with me.

Comment if you would. I'll set the rules when someone comments. (There are not a lot, no worries)

Anyway, this is not apart of the story but you can be Hazel. Hazel is open :)


Just for the record I will only be able to rp on Monday's and Wednesday's. (Mom took phone away😭) so I just sneak on at school when I'm supposed to be doing Yearbook xD.


You can make up your own character.

I'm not just doing Chipmunks so you can be anything you want.

It can be out of the actual Chipmunks.

Do rp's via PM..(if you can't, I'll work it out)

Have loads of fun while doing it!

~My character:

Name: Whitney

Traits: sassy, obnoxious, soft on the inside. (Only to friends )

Age: 15

Past: has two very rich parents, and a brother that girls are constantly trying to get to -.-

Specie: Chipmunk ;)

What She Doesn't Like: people that are prettier than her, sassier than her, richer than her, or more famous.

Datz it! PM me but first do all that^^ so I know how ya look like and stuff.

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