Chapter 10

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~ Brittany ~

"Lunch." Theodore answered, truthfully. "Just when you thought it wouldn't come, it pops out of nowhere and leaves you wanting for more."

"I didn't know you felt so passionately about something so serious before." Simon said, sarcastically.

"Me neither." Theodore smiled. Obviously, he didn't get the hint.

Eleanor furrowed her brow and wrote furiously. She was doing a Q&A with him. Her last question was; what was his favourite subject?

"Does that even count as a 'subject'?" I pointed out.

"To him, apparently." Simon said, rolling his eyes.

"Ok!" Eleanor shouted enthusiastically, turning to Theo.

I mutter some words to myself. She was so loud these days. It was Theodore of course, ever since he asked her to the dance that was making her act so wierd. Their relationship was getting serious...or so she thought.

"You will have 5 children, 2 otters, 7 cars, $100, and a yearly supply of food that never ran out." Eleanor said to him.

"Sounds blissful." Theo said, smiling to himself.

"Sounds miserable." Simon said, rolling his eyes.

"5 children? From whom?" I asked, with a small mischievous smile.

He blushes.

Jeanette comes to sit at our table and she rubs her temples.

"I hate science." She stated, matter-of-fact.

"Hate, is a strong word." I reminded her. "You dislike science."

"No" she says to me. "I hate it."

Everyone felt uneasy. Jeanette didn't use words like that unless something really dramatic happened, and that was rare.

"Enlighten us." Simon said. "On why you hate science."

"It's just so hard." She pouted. "I don't know, I think the teacher hates me. And today.." she swallows like she can't finish. "I forgot to turn in my science worksheet."

I gaped at her. That was her big deal? If I was in her place, I would've brushed it off. Who needed science when your planning on being a fashion designer in Paris?

"No big deal." I said, causing everyone to frown at me. "What?" I asked.

"I wouldn't be talking about it." Jeanette snapped, eyes flashing. "If it wasn't a big deal to me." She glared at me.

"Fine. I'm sorry. But science just isn't my thing." I apologized.

"I'm not done yet." Jeanette said, exasperated. She looks down. "I-I was humiliated in front of the whole class."

"WHAT?" Simon questioned, with rage. I looked on, amused.

"The teacher humiliated me." Jeanette answered. Then she said quietly; "I hate her."

I almost jumped up and proclaimed the world was at it's end. Jeanette? Hating someone? Nonetheless, a teacher!?

Jeanette was so observant, enjoying nature, loving her family. And putting up with Eleanor's or my shitty drama, no matter what. I just couldn't believe that Jeanette hated someone. Maybe she was keeping a lot more from us that we didn't know..

"The teacher humiliated you? She's about to catch these hands." Eleanor said, starting to stand up while cracking her knuckles.

"Sit down, Eleanor." Jeanette said impatiently.

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