Chapter 26

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Finally, Britt was back!

As soon as my brothers and I finish our song, I walk over to her.

She was turned slightly to the side, and I grin and was about to ask her for a dance when she says;

"I'm such a good liar."

"What?" I ask, bewilderment taking over my emotions. Liar? Who was she lying to? And what for?

Her eyes turn as big as saucers when she sees me. "Oh, nothing!"

I squint mischievously at her. The cat was out the bag, and I was gonna chase it around until it gave up. It would be pretty hard for her to try and put it back in.

"No, it was something. Britt, tell me."

She turns her eyes downward.

Something was off..

Brittany had a smaller nose and a bigger cheeks..not that I've noticed..

"Who are you?"

"Alvin! I'm Britt!" 'Brittany states, stomping her foot. "I mean, who else could I be?"

Her voice sounded so familiar. I just couldn't place it. "You okay?" I ask. "Your voice.."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sick." She explains, looking away from my prying eyes. "It's just a cold."

Her eyes were blue but not Britt's blue. They looked a shade lighter. Her was too golden.

"Brittany, if I should even call you that, what's my biggest secret?"


Yes! Finally!

After a lot of crawling I had finally reached the scissors. I curl my fingers around them and use it to saw my ropes off. My hands were free! I use them to cut the ropes at my ankles off too.

Holding my sore paws and slightly limping, I exit the dark janitors closet and run to the gym. I hear the music, the lights!

I barge in, ready to expose Hazel and Chloe when I see a Chloe dressed like 'me' kissing Alvin..straight on the lips.


I needed to shut this dude up. He was getting suspicious!

"Brittany, if I should even call you that, what's my biggest secret?"

What the bloody hell? How am I supposed to know!?

I rack my brain for ways to get out of this.

Out of panic, I grab him by the collar and pull him to me, pressing my lips into his.

He pushes me away, wiping his mouth with the back if his arm. We had a crowd now. His eyes were wide with confusion.

"What the hell!?" He shouts.

"I'm sorry, I-I just love you so much," I whisper, pathetically.

Boys love pathetic girls.

It didn't work on him though. "What kind of bull is that?" He shouts, raising his voice. "You're not Britt!"

Voices gasp around us and I feel all eyes turn to me.

"You're right." A familiar voice says from a mic up on stage.

I look up.


"She's not Brittany, because I am." Even in my shabby orange dress, she looked really pretty.

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