Chapter 9

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Brittany's POV

Our "meet at the park behind the school at 6:30pm" became a ritual thing..we did it all the time now. At first our conversations were light, aloof, well-off. But they got a bit more serious, with him asking me alot of questions about my life and me doing the same. They weren't prying questions, just typical yet distant ones.

But I still didn't understand....why the sudden interest in me? I was boring, not as pretty as Hazel, a bit awkward, and very observant. I just seemed like not the right match for Alvin. But whatever, I'm not complaining or anything.

During school hours, we don't nessacarily talk as much. Mostly because he's usually talking to Hazel..I thought that it wasn't fair,but he did say that he had to pretend that he was still with her..but didn't he say that he didn't care if I told, or not? For some reason I was scared.

Scared that he would find out, and then all the interesting things he saw in me would be gone and then he would hate me.

"Oh dear." I say to Daisy. "This equation is hard." I glance at her. I hope she would get the message..

She grunts instead. Which I know means; then make it easy.

I sigh and turn back to my worksheet. How could I make something this hard seem easy?

How could talking with Alvin from 6:30 to 10:00pm sometimes seem like a dream?

"Some friend you are." I mutter,loud enough so that she can hear me.

Her reaction is a chuckle.

Our door swings open and bangs on the wall behind it.


I cringe and face the door. It was Eleanor.

"Why so loud?" I ask, ticked off.

"You just won't believe what I heard from Theo!"

I look at her expectantly but she doesn't say anything.

I sigh, "what have you heard from Theo?"

"Oh,its juicy, juicy news, take a seat!" She squeals, sending my arms up to cover my ears.

"So." She finally says, sitting across from me. "Theo just texted me--that--oh,just look for yourself!!" She pushes her phone in my face.

I squint at it. It says;

Theo: Ellie?

Ellie: yeah?

Theo: good,ur on. I have some surprising news..

Ellie: rlly? Like what?!

Theo: there's a dance coming's the fall fest dance..would you..u know..come with me?


Theo: aw,it was nothing.

"Isn't he adorbs?" Eleanor asks as she pulls her phone away. "I just think he's the cutest."

I barely hear her. How could I forget the fall dance?? How? It was only 8 weeks away!

"Britt?" Eleanor asks, slightly annoyed that I wasn't listening. "You there?"

"Yes." I say, meekly. But I was lying to her and to myself. Who would want to go with me?

"Don't worry." She says softly, reading my mind. "Maybe you could come with Jean, Si, Theo, and I. We'll be like..a friend groupie or something." She smiles to herself, happy that she thought up of it.

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