Chapter 5

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I took deep,deep breaths.

So, Alvin wasnt as nice as I thought.

In fact,he seemed pretty mean.

But that didn't mean I would stop loving him..

Cus' I'm not.

I walk out the Lounge,and look both ways. (Most likely looking for Alvin) thank goodness,he left. He scared me a little bit. Besides,why was it important if I told or not? Its not like everyone would hate him.

And,even though Jean told me to not tell anyone,I wasn't planning on telling anyone,anyway.

I run to the bathroom,and classes are just let out. Everyone is making their way to lunch soon.

I scamper into the bathroom,and close the door. There,standing in the mirror,was Hazel. Her eyes looked red and puffy. She was washing her face with water and sniffing. When she sees me,she looks kind of scared.

I try to talk to her,


She waves her hand dissmissivley at me,


I told you Hazel and I weren't close.

I make a concerned face,

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Ofcourse,I know exactly what happened.

Hazel points a glare at me,

"Why does it matter to you?"

I shrug,

"I just wanted to know"

She sighs and leans against the wall and then slides down,sobbing with her face on top of her folded arms.


Wow,she really loves him.

I kneel down beside her,

"Does this have something to do with..let me guess..Alvin?"

She wipes a tear on her cheek,

"Yeah,so what?"

I smile,

"Nothing,I'm just asking."

She sighs and leans her head back,

"Him & I,we're so perfect..he says every night about how much he loves me. We talk on our phones throughout the whole night,and if we're not talking,we're kissing. I dont want that to end.."

It's kinda nice to know that they kiss all the time,I guess.

She brushes a strand of hair out her face,

"I've said to much-excuse me."

She pushes herself off the ground and washes her face again. She looks one last time at me before she leaves,

"And dont say a word about anyone."

Then she disappears.

How many times am I gonna keep secrets today?

I look at myself in the mirror to. I was pretty,but Hazel was prettier. But my eyes were a major bonus. While her's were just brown.

I push the door open and see Simon looking closely at something on the ground.

I walk up to him,

"Hey,Si,seen Jeanette?"

Simon glares at me,



"I'm just asking if you-"

He sighs,


I'm curious now,

"What are you doing?"

He scratches his head,then motions for me to come closer,

"This is a test,how long can I look at one spot without failing to blink? It proves your intelligence."

I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Um,okay,thats cool,but do you know where Jeanette is? I'm looking for her because-"


Its Theodore,and hes walking over and waving. I flash him a death glare,because this is the 3rd time I've been interrupted.

Simon grins,


Theodore smiles at me,and waves.

I wave back.

I look up and see Jeanette walking out of the Computers room with Eleanor.

Simon looks up,

"Now,what were you saying?"

I roll my eyes,


I walk towards Jeanette and Eleanor who have their heads bent together and are whispering something.

I grin,

"Hey guys."

Eleanor looks up,startled. But Jeanette looks up,calmly.

Eleanor looks relieved,


Jeanette nods at me.

I stand in the middle of both of them,and tell them about today.

"Alvin did that?",Eleanor asks in dismay.


Jeanette looks as if she's deep in thought.

We walk into the lunchroom,and the noise is through the roof.

At the 'popular table' I see Alvin and Hazel,laughing and talking as if,they didnt just break up. I remind myself that they dont want anybody to know.

Jeanette,Eleanor,and I walk over to the lunchline. On the menu today is,specially made salads,pasta,and fettuccine.

I take everything,and sit down at our usual table,waiting for my sisters.

In the meantime,I watch Alvin.

He's whispering something in Hazel's ear. Arent they not dating? And when she leans over to get something,across the room,he looks over at me,and winks.


Did he just wink at me?

****so who do ya think Alvin likes more. Hazel or Brittany?  Or he could like none of them and hes just playin...hmmmm.stay tuned,donuts.********


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