Chapter 15

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I thought it was bad when Eleanor kept throwing me eye daggers from across the room.

It wasn't.

It was worse when she wouldn't even look at me. I wasn't eye-poisoning or something. Besides, I thought girls liked to look at me, what was her deal?

It wasn't just her, it was also Jeanette. Oh jesus christ, Jeanette hated me.

For what? I ask, for what?

Simon was probably enjoying the fight anyway. He won't admit it, but I know Simon and he likes a good fight.

Or anyway, he used to.

Simon would always be ready for a fight, even when he knew he would lose. That was probably why he asked for one out of the random. I just fulfilled his dreams, in my opinion.

They should be thanking me.

"Alvin, we have only 3 more days to submit our choice. What do you think? Do you like it?" Heather, another girl, who always had greasy hair and a fishy smell to her, asked me.

"I think it's splendid." I reply, making her smile. I wasn't lying, either.

They had made the gym look like a ball, it was amazing.

"Heather! Now just what do you think you're doing? Get back to work!" Eleanor barked, making Heather wince and scamper away.

"Lol, Eleanor chill." I said, walking up to her. "Anyway, do you like how this place looks?" She ignores me and starts mumbling under her breath. Typical.


"Alvin, can you not talk to me?" Eleanor said, exasperated. "I just..I just don't even wanna talk to you right now."


"Because I said so."

"But why?"

"Because I just don't wanna."

"But why?"

"Stop asking that!"

"But.." She glares at me, I smile and get close to her ear to whisper;


She finally bursts out laughing and flicks me on the chest. "Leave me alone, Troublemaker."

"Suit yourself." I say, turning away with an injured air, trying to act hurt.

She laughs. "Are you excited for the dance?"

"Yeah..." I reply, kind of slow. "I just don't know how it'll turn out, I guess."

"Me too." Eleanor agrees. "I want it to be parfait."

I scrunch up my nose. "What language is that?"

"French." She smiles, glad to share her wisdom, I guess. "It means perfect."

"Who's teaching you?" I ask, impressed.

"Oh, I just joined French." She says, airly. "No biggie."

"Hm. I would join, but I would be to lazy to learn." I admit.

Her eyes widen.

"What?" I ask. Something I said?

"Behind you." She whispers.

I turn around. And ah, there was Simon, grinning like he just won the lottery.

"What's up?" He asks, when he's near. Like we say hi to eachother everyday. Like we haven't not talked for about a whole year.

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