Chapter 23

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A/N: remember that plan jean had in chapter 16? Probably not xD. Well anyway, it will be explained here.



I smile as I tell Simon my plan.

"Perform!?" Simon exclaims. "With my brothers? I haven't done that in years!"

"Exactly," I smirk, curling my fingers around his forearm. "Please?" If Britt were watching, she'd be gaping.

He shakes his head but stands up and walks to Alvin.

Alvin's eyes brighten and he nods.

I smile, but then frown.

Where's Britt?

Alvin grabs the mike and walks up on stage. "Hey, Dj, stop the music!"

What was he doing? I zone out and sweep my eyes across the gym, searching for Brittany.

Where the he- hm. Heck is she?

Last time I saw her, she was talking to Hazel. And Chloe.


Oh no.

Panic rising, I look around again. I don't see Brittany, Hazel or Chloe.

Where are they!!

"Jeanette!" Eleanor giggles, tapping my shoulder. "Can you believe it? Alvin and his brothers are performing again! That was what you were whispering to Si, wasn't it?"

I barely glance at her. "Yeah.."

"What's wrong?" Ellie asks me, seeing me dart my eyes across the gym back and forth. "You look like your looking for something important, but what is it?"

"Eleanor!" I gasp, remembering how I had overheard Hazel talking about giving someone a special type of "revenge" at Fall Fast. "Hazel and Brittany..they're missing!"


"Bitch! Let go of me!"

I smirk, grabbing on to Brittany's wrist even tighter.

Chloe looked scared. "Haze, forget this plan! We'll get caught!"

"Oh, no we won't." I pull down my mask. "It's a masquerade party, remember?"

She doesn't look convinced but pulls on her own mask.

I won't lie, Brittany looked gorgeous tonight. The thing is, I don't let people look prettier than me and take my man.

The world would come to it's end before I would let that slide.

And Brittany's done enough sliding, it's time for her to fall.

"Let. Go. Of. Me -you pyscho bitch!" Brittany screams again, struggling to get out of the bag I had put her in.

I walk into the janitors closet and drop the bag, hearing her let out a soft "oof!" That triggered me. I slapped her.

"Ow!" She shouts, her blue eyes flashing, she recoils in pain.

"No Prince Charming to save you now, huh?" I smirk, she grits her teeth.

"I swear to god, I will tell everyone about you."

"I don't care," I say, smiling. "And you're not getting out of here."

I snap my fingers and Chloe blocks the door. Not that she could get out, even if she had wanted to.

I had tied her hands up.

"What's wrong with you?" Brittany asks. "You look so pyscho right now!"

"I am." I tell her. "Not." I laugh and turn to face her, making my eyes dark and scary looking.

"You," I start. "Have been a pet peeve. A thing I've wanted to get rid of. You're everywhere! How the hell am I supposed to cope with you when you keep on snagging everything that belongs to me last minute!"

She smiles in understanding. "Oh, you mean Alvin?"

"Who else, bitch!"

She holds up a finger. "First, stop using that word on me, you're the bitch, not me. Second, Alvin doesn't like you. Not anymore, anyway." She snickers.

The nerve! I had her tied up, and she was still acting all savage! I could slap her again for all she knows.

I wanted to see fear in her eyes. I look in them.

Instead, I was the one scared. She wasn't afraid of me.

People who are not afraid of me fucking scare me.


"Where. Are. We. Going!" I weeze, struggling to catch up with Jean's agile long legs as we strode through the school hallways.

"Looking for Brittany." She states, pressing her ear against every door.

"How do we know she's even out here?"

"I asked a few people. They said they saw Hazel, Chloe, and Brittany come out here."

"They could've left." I point out, and Jeanette stops in her tracks.

"I hope not." She says quietly, and gets back to to work.

I hear someone running up behind us and whirl around. It was just Simon, Alvin, and Theodore.

"Hey, Theo!" I smile warmly at him, happy for someone to comfort me.

"What's going on?" Simon asks Jeanette, grabbing her arm lightly. "You just ran out of there."

She glares at him. "Aren't you three supposed to be performing?"

"Yup," Alvin shrugs, leaning against the wall. "But I guess we're not."

"We're looking for Brittany," Jeanette says slowly, answering  Si's first question.

"Huh? Why? Isn't she inside the gym?" Theo asks, confusion knitting his brows together.

"No," Jeanette says coldly. "And I think I know why."

"What?" Alvin asks. "Where's Britt?"

"That's what we're trying to find out." I tell him. "But someone didn't keep a watchful eye on their date."

He swallows.

Hey! :D thx 4 reading :) Insights?

What do you think of a psycho Hazel? (She's crazy!)

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