Chapter 22

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"Who do you wanna be tonight?" He asks me, low and deep and near my ear.

I blush slightly. "What do you mean?"

"It's a masquerade party," he explains, smiling at me. "We have masks on, you can be whoever you would like. Who do you wanna be?"

I think. "A princess." I tell him, referring to my gloves and tiara. I bit my lip. Was it too babyish?

"Then a princess you shall be." He bows swiftly, playfully, before me and looks up at me with two soft golden eyes and a smirk. "Princess Brittany, what would you like to do?"

That's when I noticed the color of his tux.

..He had worn pink.


For me.

I throw my arms around him and my throat felt tight. He cared about me, he really, truly, cared.

When I pull away, he looks confused.
"What was that for?"

"For being the best date ever!" I giggle, sweeping my eyes over his outfit. "But hey, you don't look so bad in pink."

"Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment." He sniffs himself. "You smell good."

I laugh.

His eyes narrow at something behind me.

I turn around.


Not her.

Not Hazel.

She looked drop dead gorgeous in a black tight dress and a black mask. Her hair was pulled into a lazy bun.

It made her look like she barely tried, which made it worse.

"Hey," she says, smiling flirtatiously at Alvin, and totally ignoring me.

She made my tiara and gloves look like I was playing dress-up. She made my color pink look like I was going to a 6-year-old birthday party.

Alvin nods at her, his eyes going up and down her outfit, checking her out.

I felt like leaving.

Hazel doesn't flinch or look nervous. I know why;

She wanted him to check her out.

The girl had come prepared.

"Where's your date?" Alvin asks her.

"Chris? Probably with some other girl. Where's yours?" She asks, trying to make a joke.

"Right here." I say firmly. Her eyes look at my outfit, and at the sight of my tiara and gloves, I see her stifle a laugh.

I blush like mad. I wonder what she would have said if she had overheard what I wanted to be tonight.

"And what are you?" She snorts. "Don't tell me, a princess?"

"Actually, yes I am." I say, puffing out my chest. I was not going to back down or act scared towards her bitchy attitude. I would just have to act bitchy too.

"And what is he?" She nods at Alvin. "The frog you kissed back to life?" She laughs loudly, and I hear someone else laughing.

I look behind her, and see Chloe. When did she get here?

Alvin steps forward. "C'mon Hazel, leave her alone."

Hazel looks at me blandly. It's like she sees me, but she sees through me.

She didn't think I was competition in the race of stealing Alvin Seville's heart.

I look back at her with a smirk and two cold slits in my eyes.

Her eyes widen and she steps slightly back.

I knew she got the message. My eyes said it all:

Oh, sweetie, you better believe I'm competition. And get ready to lose, cus' I'm also getting first place.


"Mmmm. All these delicious choices!" Theodore says, referring to the grub table.

"Right? Hey, do you maybe want to dance?" I ask him.

He makes a pouting face at me.

"What?" I ask.

"I.. I was planning on being the first  one asking you. But that's okay, let's go dance!" He takes my paw and pulls me on to the dance floor.

It was a hip song, a song where you could just be yourself. I look around. Everyone was standing around awkwardly with their dates amd eyeing the dance floor like it was a weapon.

"Hey!" Theo shouts, when we're  on the floor. "Why isn't anyone dancing? Isn't this called a dance?" I hear someone giggling and look towards the direction.

It's Jeanette, she and Simon were sitting at a table. She flashes us a quick thumbs-up.

"C'mon Ellie, we'll show 'em how to do it." He winks slyly at me. I wink slyly back.

They were playing Say Hey. My sisters and I loved this song.

This goes out to everyone, worldwide. C'mon!

I say hey! I'll be gone today

Theo and I start to dance to it, he walks toward me and takes my paw, but I pull it out and dance away from him. He chuckles slightly and watches me, I could feel the whole gyms's eyes on us.

But I'll be back all around the way

I dance back to him, and he grabs my arm and twirls me around.

Seems like everywhere I go

I laugh and scream when he dips me low.

The more I see, the less I know.

He holds up and arm, and I limbo underneath it. Almost breaking my back! He takes me and we hold paws.

But I know, one thing; that I love you

We both sing along now, also dancing.

Oh baby yes I do! I love you, I love you, I love you.

At this he looks me in the eyes, leans in close..and whispers;

"I love you."

The gym erupts in cheers. I blush profoundly, and then I see Jeanette whispering to Simon, who walks off in search of someone.

Curious, I watch and he mumbles something to Alvin who nods enthusiastically and grabs the mike.

"Hey, Dj, stop the music!"

The music stops amd everyone quiets down.

"As you all know," Alvin starts. "My brothers and I used to preform together." Some people start to clap.

"I think it's time to bring back the tradition." He smiles at Theo, "get up here, bro."


Thx so much 4 reading! :) keep going! Errrm *squirms nervously* I think I feel this book coming to an end..or I'm being superstitious! Vote, comment! You know the deal :)

Question: do you guys know the song Say Hey by the Chipmunks and Chipettes? It's one of my faves!

If you don't know it, search it up. The beat is so catchy! Their voices blend so well! ☆

Your friend, Donutyy /^.^/

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