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Yup, you know what dat means,^^ last chapter!! I was planning when I first started this book to make 30 chapters but the storyline was too short for that so here you go.


"I see Orion." Jeanette points up, and my eyes follow her gaze.

"It looks more like a lamp," Eleanor says with a frown.

Simon had decided that it would be cool for us to star gaze, and we were all in the woods in a clearing by the permission of the teachers, star gazing. I loved it, it was so relaxing and the breeze was gentle and shiverous.

It's been a month since Hazel and Chloe did what they did to me, and I've been trying to forget. Ever since those two have moved out, everyone's been in happy spirits. Chloe kept saying I only won because her lawyers had not been there. As if.

Chris and Jake were talking with detectives because they might have been working with Hazel and Chloe too. Everyone knew Jake did drugs, where else could they have gotten the drugs from?

Also, Alvin had officially asked me out, and boy, was I happy!

With Alvin snuggled next to me, I star gazed happily, though I had no idea what I was looking for. His chest rose and fell, and made me want to fall asleep, but I forced myself to stay awake.

"Um, I think I see a bottle of nail polish!" I squeal. "Omg! I've found a new constellation!"

Simon chuckles and shakes his head. "That is most certainly not nail polish, Brittany."

"And how do you know?"

"I just do."

I roll off of Alvin and hug myself. Being with him and his brothers and my sisters made me so happy, and this night was no different.

"In fact," Simon continues. "That's the Little Dipper. Very cool, huh?"

"I guess," I joke, laughing. "But I'll still call it my own Nail Polish constellation."

Alvin yawns and blinks. "I'm cold. Brittany, get back over here."

I look at him and my eyes widen. He looked devishously handsome at the moment, his golden-brown eyes demanding, his ear with the little rip standing out.

He looked like a bad, bad, troublemaker.

My bad, bad, troublemaker.

"Nope." I giggle, crossing my arms.

"You too are ridiculous." Jeanette comments, her purple eyes showing me a mirror of the stars she was looking at. It also showed something else; Happiness.

Jean finally approved of Alvin and I!

"Ridiculously in love." Theodore adds, rolling his eyes. "I'm too young for this stuff."

I laugh, sitting down and scooting teasingly away from Alvin.

His eyes follow me and then in one quick flash he pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me, pulling me too him.

Thank God, it was night. My cheeks were red.

"Mmmm. You smell so good." Alvin breaths in my shoulder, making a tingling sensation creep up my neck. Goosebumps pop out of nowhere on my arm, and believe me when I say; it wasn't from the cold.

Alvin turns me around slowly and stares at me.

"Don't you wanna go star-gazing?" I ask him, nervously.

"Nope. I only wanna go Britt-gazing." He answers.

"Haha! That was so lame!" I throw my head back and laugh loudly. He was too much.

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