Chapter 21

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I look around at the gym we had been working on with Eleanor by my side.

"I think we're ready," she whispers.

I think we're ready too.

"It looks a-maz-ing!" Heather shrieks, next to my ear. I flinch slightly.

"You all did awesome." Mrs. Delma says, walking over and gratefully smiling at us. "It looks fantastic."

"Thank you," I say, warmly.

Nicole, a friend of ours and a member of the dance committee, pratically jumps up and down with excitement.

"And to think," she squeals, "that the dance is only a few hours away!!"

"Right!?" Eleanor shouts. "I'm sooo excited!!"

"Alright, tone it down," I tease. "Whoever is going with you guys to the dance must be bringing along earplugs too. Ow!" I squeal as Eleanor hits me and Nicole giggles.

"You all are free to go!" Mrs. Delma announces. "I hope you all have a wonderful dance."

"What?" Nicole inquires. "But I thought the teachers were going to supervise or something."

"We are." Mrs. Delma smirks mischievously. "But who said you had to be in the same room to supervise?"

"A dance without teachers!" I shout. "Awesome!"

"Don't say anything yet." Mrs. Delma chuckles. "We will announce it. Or maybe even keep it a secret." She winks.

She dismisses us and I leave the room in high spirits.

I think this dance'll be unforgettable.


"No, just no."

I groan. If I hear Brittany say 'No' one more time..

I put on black flats, awaiting her usual answer. But to my surprise:

"Yes!" She squeals.

"What?" I ask, blinking. It's like I didn't know any word except for 'No' now. I look down at my shoes. "But they're so simple. All the other girls will be wearing heels, I'm sure of it."

"I know that, silly," She giggles. "But Jean, I know why this suits you so much! All those other heels were so over the top, these look fantastic on you because it totally explains you!"

I sigh. "Are you sure?"

"When am I not when it comes to fashion?"

"When it comes to Alvin," I joke.

She blushes. "Jeanette.."

"Hm?" I ask, reluctantly peeling my eyes away from the mirror. I was going to trust Britt's judgement with these shoes. I just wanted to look the best for Simon, though.

Just thinking of him makes me start to blush.

"Jeanette," Brittany says again. "I-he- do you trust Alvin now?"

I look at Brittany. Her eyes were downcast, but she quickly glances up at me.

Do I trust Alvin?

Well, hm.

"Yeah.." I say slowly. "Yeah, I trust him. Not completely, but yeah. Why?"

"I- I was so angry when you and Si and even Daisy! Kept warning me about him. If you were in my place, wouldn't you feel me? I hated all the advice, but I think it helped me later on. Anyway, I just wanted your approval, I guess." She turns quickly away, leaving my dorm.

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