Chapter 6

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So what if he winked? It was just a wink.

But I'm sure we both know its not.

I blush and look away,munching a little salad.

When I glance back,Hazel is back and she's leaning on his shoulder. But I thought-

"You got to stop watching them,Britt."

It was Jeanette. She was shaking her head.

I sighed,

"I know. But I thought they broke up! What's with all the lovey doveyness?"

Jeanette puts her paw on top of mine,

"Thats not your job to worry about."

How come Jean is always acting like the older sis here? Always giving me advice. I love her for that. Ellie and I always go to her for problems like these.

Speaking of Ellie,she just arrived,and her tray looks loaded.

Jeanette takes her paw off of my paw,so she could snag a fry from Ellies tray.

Eleanor frowns,


Jean and I laugh.

Ellie sends us both glares.

"I hate you guys,you know that?"

I smile,


Simon & Theo walk in,walking towards our table.

Simon sits down and rubs his eyes,

"Wow,I am tired."

Jeanette nervously laughs.

(When she's around him,shes not half as mature as if she was only with Ellie and I.)

Theodore splits a cookie,and gives one half to Ellie.

"Thankyou!" She says,"this totally makes up for the stolen fry." She glares at us,and we giggle.

Theo looks a bit confused.


"Long story",I say smiling breezily.

Then I turn to Si.

"So,why are you tired? Is it that concentration thing?"

He laughs and shakes his head,

"No,its Alvin"

My mouth goes dry.

As if on cue,Jeanette and Eleanor both send me warning glances.

Eleanor speaks up,

"Really? Why? What did he do?"

Simon yawns.

"Let's just say,that when Alvin needs someone to solve his problems,its always me."

Jeanette frowns,

"That's not fair."

Theodore looks angry,

"Its not. But Alvin blackmails Simon into fixing things up for him. Its so annoying. And does he even thank Simon? No."

I blush and look down,I knew Alvin was mean but is he that cruel to his brothers?

"Notice", Simon says,"how he doesn't even sit with us, anymore."

Theo folds his arms,

"He just takes us for granted. Simon and I made a vow to eachother that we would always stick together,like glue."

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