A New Day

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*Beep Beep Beep*

The shrill noise of my alarm clock pierced through the air. I groaned loudly into my pillow, reaching my hand I fumbled but managed to hit the snooze button. That's literally the noise that every student does not want to hear. It reminds you of all the homework, all the studying and all the stressful days that are about to begin all over again. Don't get me wrong, I like school (most of the time) and I love my friends but I am not a morning person. Whenever I hear that damned alarm clock I instantly get into a bad mood-


I was ripped from my thoughts by my little sister jumping on top of my bed.

"Sof, get off me" I mumbled into my pillow.

"Mami says you have to get up" she said, poking my cheek repeatedly. I slowly fluttered my eyelashes open and pinned my sister to the bed, tickling her tummy. She started to giggle and squeal underneath me.

"Kaki! Stop" she said in between fits of laughter.

"You better run Sof, cos I'm gonna get ya!"

Sofia instantly got off my bed and ran downstairs. My bad mood quickly vanished. I stumbled my way into the bathroom, stripping off my layers of clothes as I stepped into the warm shower. I sighed through my mouth, thinking about what the day had in store for me. Today was my first day as a senior. Final exams, lots of homework, lots of study and lots of stress. The list was endless.

While I dried myself off in a fluffy towel I walked towards my wardrobe to pick out what I could wear. I decided on a blue flannel, white skinny jeans with rips on both legs and my black ankle high converse. As I made my way downstairs I was greeted with the sweet aroma of fresh pancakes and coffee. My dad sitting at the table, dressed in his usual suite as he cleaned my sisters face with the pad of his thumb. I smiled and walked behind my mom, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Morning Mila"

"Morning Mami"

I heard a mumbled "Morning sweetheart" from behind a huge newspaper from across the rooms

"Morning Papi"

I sat down across from my sister and started stuffing my face with my mothers delicious homemade pancakes. Drowning them in syrup, I picked up my phone when it vibrated in my pocket.

Cheeche👑💜- Walz!!

Mila🍌🙈- wat?

Chancho👑💜- senior year! How do u feel?!

Mila🍌🙈- Im trying not to think too much bout it cos u know ill psych myself up

Chancho👑💜-god me too honestly, well I texted Mani and Ally and we'll be picking you up in ten mins.

Mila🍌🙈- ok see ya then Cheeche!😘

Cheeche👑💜- bitch you love me🤘🏻

I smiled as I shoved my phone into my pocket. I walked over to the sink and washed my plate, humming to the song on the radio.

"Camila, hurry or you'll be late"

"Don't worry Mami" I reassured her, walking up the stairs to brush my teeth. I quickly rain my straightener through my hair, I decided to leave it down loose around my shoulders today for a more laid-back look. I ran down the stairs when I heard a car honk from outside.

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