Family Gathering Pt: 2

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The limo stopped outside of a huge building, practically made of glass and tall enough to scrape the sky. Lauren got out of the car first, kindly taking my hand to help me out. I intertwined our hands in thanks, my heart fluttering as she rubbed the back of my mine with her thumb. Walking inside the building, Lauren led me to the elevator that was conveniently open and waiting. Her parents soon walked inside the metal box, along with a bunch of other people; making the small space even more cramped. It was situations like this that always gave me a panic attack, when I feel like I can't move.

I gasped when I felt Lauren wrap her arms around my stomach and pull my back into her front 'I'm here' she whispered, kissing my neck gently. Titling my head I closed my eyes and stroke her cheek lovingly. I ignored the look her parents were giving us and tentatively kissed her lips, coated in a strawberry lipgloss 'thanks Lo'

A few seconds later the elevator doors opened on the roof. There was a line of tables spread out in a horseshoe shape and a bar in the middle; The wooden floor was polished finely. We walked hand in hand towards a few tables that had been pushed together. There was around twenty people filling up the seats. This should be fun

'Good evening everyone' Lauren's dad said loudly 'how are you doing?'

I took the seat next to Lauren at the end of the table, a girl who had the same piercing eyes as Lauren sat across from me. I looked at all the faces along the table and practically everyone was eyeing me with disgust. I chewed my bottom lip nervously, avoiding everyone's gaze. With my head bowed I scanned over the menu nervously.

'You okay?' Lauren whispered, rubbing her warm hand on my knee.

'I feel like everyone's staring at me' I mumbled

Lauren smiled 'that's because they are'

Turning my head I gave her a playful glare 'that's not helping Lo'

'No camz. They're staring because your beautiful'

I looked up into Lauren's eyes, a genuine smile on her lips. I looked down at her hand and gently took it in mine. Without breaking eye contact i brought it up to my lips and kissed her knuckles affectionately.

'Jesus, keep it in your pants Lauren'

I looked up and saw the girl sitting in front of me smirking.

'Shut up Taylor' Lauren laughed, putting her hand back on my thigh 'Camz this is Taylor, my annoying younger sister. Taylor this is Camila, my girlfriend'

'Camila, can I ask you a question?' Taylor asked, leaning forward; her forearms resting on the table.

'Yeah, go ahead' I smiled

'What the hell do you see in my sister?'

I burst out laughing at Lauren's not very impressed face. I blushed when I realised I'd attracted the attention of everyone else at the table.

'Well, she's insanely attractive. Flawless body, captivating eyes and confident air' I turned my head and stared into Lauren's emerald eyes 'but she's got a caring side. Like, when she's teaching and you have an argument to what she's saying, she'll listen and take into consideration. She doesn't look like it but, she cares. Even when she's being bossy and arrogant... she cares... and it's so beautiful the way she does it'

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