Meeting The Family

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'Okay, when we get there just be cool. Everything your imagining right now, stuck up rich snobs. Your absolutely right. So just... don't take what they say personally'

'Got it'

'Just relax you know? They'll probably interrogate you. So don't let them know your my student and not my girlfriend'


'Just relax Camila. Everything will be okay'


'Shit I didn't book a hotel! Maybe I sh-'

I interrupted her quick rambling by hitting her lightly with a newspaper, on the face. She looked up shocked at me.

'Did you just smack me?'

'Yes I did! You need to calm down! I'm perfectly fine, the only one freaking out is you' I said softly.

'Sorry' she mumbled. I scooted closer to her in the black limousine. Her hands were shaking in her lap and her breathing was uneven. Out of reflex I covered her shaking hands with mine.

'Look at me' I whispered, my breath catching at her majestic eyes 'everything's gonna be okay. I've been through worse situations than meeting someone's parents'

She smiled weakly, I suddenly noticed we were driving slowly up there long driveway 'just... don't leave my sight. Okay?'

I nodded my head, smiling reassuringly at the black haired girl. We soon pulled up outside a lonely but huge house that was right next to the beach, showing off the coastal view. Of course they would live in a house like this.


I looked over at Lauren 'you ready?' She asked. I nodded my head, blushing when she helped me out of the car.

'Bring our bags up to my room' Lauren told the chauffeur in her demanding tone that you could not or dare not refuse.

'Yes ma'am'

When we reached the double set of oak doors I felt an overwhelming feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I looked down at my hand when I felt Lauren gently take it in hers.

'We're meant to be girlfriends, remember?' Her warm breath tickled the shell of my ear, making me shudder. I looked up and saw her smirking before she sharply knocked on the door. Eventually it was pulled open by who I thought was Lauren's father and her mother. Her dad was a slightly overweight man, dressed in a suite that was too small for him. Her mother was wearing her usual frown and a formal skirt with a cream blouse.

'Lauren, it's so good to see you' the man said, pulling the latter into an embrace that she did not return, nor let go of my hand when I saw her clench her jaw, her neck vein showing.

'Come in' her mother said flatly.

Lauren walked at her own pace inside the house, me coming after her.

'And who might you be?' Her dad asked

'I'm Camila, Sir' I said with a warm smile.

'Its very nice to meet you Camila' I heard Lauren scoff from next to me.

'Camila is Lauren's girlfriend or... so she says' her mother chimed in, glaring at me

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