The flight

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*slight straight smut warning!*

'Are you okay?'

I was standing awkwardly while Lauren breathed deeply, hands grabbing the roots of her hair 'Lauren?' She looked up at me slowly, I swear I saw her normally shining eyes glaze over.

'Yes, I'm fine miss Cabello' her voice sounded robotic 'you should probably go'

I frowned in confusion taking a step closer to her fragile state 'but what about your Mom?'

'I'm sorry you had to see that' she said, looking anywhere but my eyes 'that was a really inappropriate situation to put you in. As you can tell she's not the kindest of women. She can say whatever she wants about me, I'm used to it. But what she says about you. That is unacceptable.' She was fuming now, pacing back and forth across the room 'who does she think she is? To come in here and demand me to go see my brother?'

'Your not going?' I asked. She stopped her movements and looked at me.

'No, of course not'

'But... he's your brother' I could see the battle of emotions in her eyes and heart.

'They haven't been my family for a long time Camz'

Despite the situation my heart fluttered at her nickname for me 'but I said I'd go with you' she slowly walked towards me, her heels menacingly loud.

'I don't want you to meet my messed up family Camila'

'But I offered' I smiled gently, hoping to ease the tension. She stopped a foot away from me and stared intently at my eyes. I felt naked under her piercing gaze.

'Why are you like that?' She whispered

'Like what?'

'Please don't take this as an insult Miss Cabello... but why are you such a people pleaser?'

I frowned slightly, was I a people pleaser? 'I dunno... I just don't like seeing people sad. If you have the opportunity to make someone happy, wouldn't you like to? Even just for a day, to see the happy sparkle in their eye or the extra spring in their step... or when they throw their head back in that extra loud laugh, not caring who sees' I looked up and saw her facial features go from tense to gentle 'that's why I'm a people pleaser'

She slowly walked in front of me, stopping so close our bodies could touch. I could hear my heart thunder in my ears as she traced the back of my hand with the top of her fingers in a feather light caress.

'Your something else Camz' she whispered, her sweet breath tickling my face. I nodded my head slowly knowing damn well my voice would fail me. Slowly raising my head was a bad move, instantly I got lost her her majestic orbs. The once dull eyes filled with anger were now lime green, the flakes of gold seemed to be shimmering in the evening sun.

'You don't have to come Camila. I wouldn't ask you to go, this is your decision. This is a really inappropriate situation, I mean you pretending to be my girlfriend? I don't want to ask this if you' she mumbled

'I'm going Lauren. It's my choice' I said firmly, I watched her face slowly brighten as she tried to hide her grin.

'Thank you Camila' she said before pulling me into her warm embrace. I smiled, feeling her heart beat rapidly against my ear, her heartbeat was better than any orchestra. I felt her rest her chin on the top of my head, sighing quietly through her nose while I wrapped my arms around her waist.

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