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Papi: Mija Im outside the school. Come out quick, your mother was in a hit and run.

I re read the message twice to make sure I had read it right. A hit and run? My stomach dropped along with the clench in my heart. Lauren's voice slowly drowned out, the only thing filling my ears was a deafening ringing.

'Ms Cabello, please get back in your seat' I heard Lauren's muffled voice but I continued towards the door.


I grabbed the door handle and swung it open, practically running down the lonely corridor. How could this of happened? She's always so careful on the road. This doesn't make sense. I was ripped from my thoughts when someone grabbed my elbow and spun me around so fast that I crashed into their body.

'Camila, where are you going?' It was Lauren.

'I just... have to go' I shook out of her grasp and burst through the exit and into the parking lot. I saw my dad standing by his red ford, typing furiously at his phone until he looked up and saw me. I ran into his arms and sobbed into his shoulder. He wrapped his big arms around me and held me tight.

'What happened?' I choked out

'We don't know. She was driving to the grocery store and some asshole was drunk... he was driving on the wrong side of the road and... crashed into your mothers car'

I looked up and saw my fathers eyes had turned red and glossy, he was trying to stay strong for me.

'Is she...' a sob cut through my sentence.

My dads eyes widened before he pulled me back against his chest 'no no no. I was about to go up and see her but I thought I should see you first'

'I'm going with you' I said, drying my tears with the back of my hand

'No Mija, you must stay-'

'Mr. Cabello, is everything alright?'

I turned around and saw Lauren making her way towards us.

'No, everything is not alright Mrs. Jauregui' my dad smiled weakly 'my wife was involved in an accident. I just came to let Camila know. I'm sorry for causing trouble to your class'

'No no, that's alright and I'm terribly sorry about your wife' Lauren said sincerely, her eyes focusing on me

'Thank you'

'Papi lets go' I said, finally breaking eye contact with Lauren.

'Mija you have to stay'

'Like hell I'm staying here-'

'Mr. Cabello is right Camila'

I turned and looked at accusingly at Lauren 'what?'

'I don't know what condition she's in Mija, it's best if I go up alone and see how she is. If it's really bad I know she wouldn't want you to see her like that' my dad placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

'No Papi-'

'Please don't argue Mija' my dad begged 'not today'

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