Fixing Problems

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I nodded my head weakly. Lauren gently grabbed my hand and looked at the blood oozing from my knuckles.

'Camz' she said softly

'Oh shit' I mumbled as I watched the blood dripping down my hands.

'Come on' she softly held my wrist and took me to the ER.

'Can I help you?' The receptionist asked.

'I uh punched a wall' I laughed awkwardly

'Here' the older woman handed me a white cloth 'take a seat. A doctor will be free shortly, in the meantime can you please fill out this form?'

'Sure' I grabbed the form with my good hand and we both took a seat on the plastic chairs. I looked down at the paper when I felt Lauren pick up my wrist and gently started to clean the dripping blood. Her hands were igniting a fire along my bare skin despite the pain.

'Here' I handed her the form and I took the cloth 'you fill that out. I can't because...' I held up my hand.


I pressed the cotton cloth over my knuckles to try and clot the bleeding but I ended up wrapping it around the back of my hand as I peered over Lauren's shoulder to see the form.


'Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao'


'Ya' I mumbled shyly

'I like it' she smiled, bumping her shoulder against mine. I looked down at her writing, she had the fancy writing that every was jealous over 'I love your writing'

'Well what can I say' she smirked 'I'm very skilled with my fingers'

I blushed profoundly, kicking her leg lightly 'idiot'

'Are you sure you want me to fill this out? I mean it's confidential' she asked seriously

'Ya it's fine'

I tapped my foot impatiently while Lauren scratched away at the paper. I looked down at my hand and saw the cloth was turning a rosy red colour with splotches of blood scattered around.

'Your not pregnant are you Camz?' She joked.

'Well considering that I'm still a virgin I should hope not'

'Wait, your still a virgin?' She whisper yelled

'Is that a problem?' I asked

'Wha- no I just... never mind' I looked closer and saw her face had flushed. Was she flustered?

'Are you on any medication?'

'Anti depressants' I mumbled, pulling at the rips in my jeans.

'Hey' she said, turning my head so I was looking at her 'don't be embarrassed'

'I'm not' I laughed awkwardly. Lauren squeezed my knee lightly, making my skin tingle before handing the form to the receptionist. I removed the now red cloth and saw that there was still a trickle of blood coming from multiple gashes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blue ball slowly roll towards me. I picked it up and watched with a smile as a little boy, about the age of six shyly walked to me. He had short brown hair and was wearing a red spider man t-shirt with blue pants, as he stepped in front of me his pants shifted and I saw at his ankle he was wearing a fake metal leg.

'Hey little man' I smiled sweetly, hiding my hand away so he wouldn't see the blood 'is this yours?'

He nodded shyly and looked up at me with his big blue eyes 'I'm Camila, what's your name?'

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