A Mother Knows

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*This photo is unnecessary but look how cute Camila is!!!😍*

'I hate hospitals' I grumbled

'You hate a lot of things' Lauren laughed, bumping her shoulder with mine

'That's not true' I looked to my side and saw a smirking Lauren as if she was saying really? 'Ok, maybe it's a little true'

We soon got to the corridor where my mothers room was when a male nurse in a blue uniform stopped in front of me

'Excuse me, are you Camila Cabello?' He asked, slightly out of breath

'Yes, that's me'

'Your mother, she came out of surgery a few hours ago and she's starting to come around' I didn't wait to hear the end of his sentence because I was already running towards her door 'wait Miss!'

With my hand still on the handle, I turned around and let him continue 'she's not fully conscious, the drugs are still wearing off. Talking to her might help bring her around but don't be too pushy'

'Thank you' I rushed before flinging open the door and into the room. There was a window next to her bed that was cracked open, my mother was lying in a wide bed that made her look even smaller than she was; Her body seemed to sink into the white mattress. She was hooked up to multiple machines with wires probing her arms and hands. I shuffled quietly to the edge of her bed and sat on the plastic chair, gently I held her fragile hand in both of my own.

'Mami? It's me, Camila' I looked up to her pale face, her cheeks looked more hollow making her cheekbones more prominent.

'Mami? Come on, wake up. I don't want to sit here talking to myself all day' I joked weakly. My eyes darted to her hand when I felt her squeeze it lightly, her face suddenly scrunched slightly as she mumbled quietly.

'I'm here Mami, I'm here' I stood up and looked down at her now stirring body. My heart fluttered when her eyes slowly opened, revealing her grey eyes that used to be the brightest of blue.

'M-Mija?' Her voice quivered and was weak but it was there

'Yes, it's me Mami' I smiled, squeezing her hand

'What happened? Where am I?' Her eyes darted around the room quickly but her body remained motionless

'Mami its okay' I reassured her in a soft voice. Watching her panic and worry broke my heart more than anyone else could 'you were involved in a car crash, your at the hospital right now'

'How long have I been here?'

'About a week, I think. Do um- do you want a drink?'

'Yes, please Mija' her voice was definitely hoarse. I stood up and filled a plastic cup with water and helper her drink through a straw. When I turned my back to throw away the cup, I saw her struggling to get into an upright position.

'Mami, please don't move. Here' I walked to the end of her bed and pressed the up arrow on a small remote, making the top of her bed slowly rise.

'Thank you' she smiled awkwardly. We both turned our heads to the door when we heard it click open. I expected to see the same nurse but was pleasantly surprised to see Lauren.

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