Don't Be A Tease

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I jumped in fright when I heard the bell pierce through the air signalling the end of class. Shooting my head in the air when I realised I'd fallen asleep in class. Lauren's class, to be exact. Fuck! I'm not embarrassed, I'm mortified. Quickly grabbing my bag up from off the floor, I cringed when I had to wipe away some drool from the corner of my lip.

'You can stay right where you fucking are'

I closed my eyes and winced at the harshness of Lauren's voice. The door was right there! Literally two more steps and I'd be free... maybe I could run for it?

'Karla Camila Cabello, come over here, right now'

Slowly turning on my heels I walked in front of my English teacher who was standing in front of her desk, fuming.

'Sorry Lauren, I-'

'Mrs. Jauregui. We're on school ground so you will address me as such'

I rolled my eyes slightly, finding this all very funny considering that last week I was at her parents house pretending to be her 'girlfriend' but now she wants respect?

'Do I amuse you?' She asked cynically, taking a step towards me with her long legs.

'No Miss... I just don't want be late for my next class'

'Maybe I want you to be' she whispered slowly, stalking towards me until her body was barely brushing mine 'maybe I'll have to punish you...' I watched hypnotised as her hands dragged along my sides, her cool fingers felt like heaven against my warm skin.

'Then do it'

Her eyes that were now oozing lust made a warm shiver slide down my spine. Her hands went up from my sides until stopping at my shoulders where she pushed harshly, making me fall back into a chair.

'I think...' she drawled before walking behind me and leaning down to my ear, her warm breath tickling the exposed skin 'I'm gonna make you scream my name on my desk'

I had to bite back a moan at the thought of that. Lauren's hands on my body, pushing me against her desk while I screamed her name...

'Get up' she growled. Complying to her wishes I stood up quickly. The older woman grabbed my bag and flung it carelessly across the room before pushing me roughly against her desk. She released a strangled sigh as her hands roamed over my body. My body seemed to have a mind of its own, reacting to her touch that left me shaking with anticipation and my panties in a mess.

'So fucking hot'

I didn't protest when she grabbed at the hairs of my neck and smashed our lips together. They moved with a certain urgency and want that I couldn't help but moan. Lauren took her chance and moved her slick tongue into my mouth, fighting with my own. I brought my hands up and fumbled but somehow managed to pull off her leather jacket. My body was singing under her touch, driving me crazy. Not a moment later her hands were pulling at my flannel, bursting more than one of the buttons.

My mouth opened in awe at how bold she was being.

'Nice choice' she smirked. I looked down at my chest and saw my favourite red lace bra that complimented my chest.

'I picked it for you, Jauregui'

Her eyes looked deep into my own and I watched as the playful glint was replaced with a burning desire that sent a throb to my centre, making me twitch 'you shouldn't of said that'

Leaning towards me she roughly pushed her papers and pens to the floor without breaking eye contact with me. Taking the hint, I lowered the rest of my body to her desk. I watched from my position while she ever so slowly undid the buttons on her blouse and lowered the piece of clothing to the floor, pooling at her ankles. Then, like a feline she crawled on top of me, one leg on each side of my quivering body. Soon her warm mouth was sucking on my neck, it was all teeth and tongue. Just the way I like it.

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