Ignornance Is Bliss

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*Smut Warning*

7 days 13 hours and 27 seconds to be exact, since I've had any form of physical contact with Lauren Jauregui. Since I've smelt her apple shampoo or traced the small scar on her eyebrow. Or kissed that smirk that's constantly taunting me and I'm pretty sure if a girl could get blue balls, I'd have it-


I looked up to Dinah's annoyed face 'huh?'

'Your not helping'

'Helping what?' I asked oblivious.

'Unbelievable' Dinah shook her head.

Normani rolled her eyes with a small smile 'we're trying to figure out who Ally's dating'


'And we've been talking to you for the past five minutes but you're not listening' Dinah said with an unamused tone.

'Don't be a douche D'

The Polynesian turned slowly to a smirking Normani 'just because we're dating doesn't mean I won't give you a poly beat down'

'Oh shut up you love me' Mani leaned forward and gave Dinah a long kiss that quickly turned into a make out session.

'I'm still here' I shouted 'and so is the rest of the school who are trying to eat their lunch'

Dinah grabbed Normani's hips and sat her onto her own lap while giving me the middle finger. I huffed with fake annoyance before standing up and walking to the bathroom. I had a lot on my mind at the moment, with Lauren and the trial for my mother coming up in a few days, everything was just one big mess. Releasing a shaky breath I pushed open the bathroom door but stopped suddenly when I saw two people in the middle of a making out.

A small blonde was sitting on the sinks while a brown haired girl was standing in between her legs, her hand tangled in the others hair. I turned to leave when I heard a quiet moan. I know that voice.


The kissing stopped abruptly and the blonde who was in fact Ally jumped off the sink.

'Oh my god Mila!'

I stood with my mouth open, my eyes practically bulging from my head. I opened my mouth multiple times to speak but each time I failed.

'Umm... this is Shay. Shay Mitchell' she finally spoke. Said girl put her hand out for me to shake.

'I would of hoped that we could of met under different circumstances'

'Well, it's nice to meet you Shay'

'You too...'


'Camila' she smiled

Ally was leaning awkwardly against the sinks, playing with her hair 'we should get to class'

'You're not gonna be able to avoid me Ally' I chuckled as I watched the flustered pair rush out the door.

Who would've guess it?

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