Family Gathering Pt: 1

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Her lips were the softest pair I had ever felt. They ghosted over mine, as if she was whispering sweet nothings to a newborn baby. She trapped my bottom lip in her full ones, gently sucking; making me quietly gasp. All the blood rushed to my face and a million thoughts were racing through my head. My breathing intensified as i kissed her back. Softly, Lauren cupped my cheek, gently rubbing my cheekbone with her thumb. My heart fluttered at the sweet gesture, Austin had never been this gentle with me; his main goal was to shove his rough tongue down my throats while copping a feel. But Lauren was different.

Eventually both her hands were on either side of my neck and she sat up straighter, titling her head to deepen the heating kiss. She subtly traced my bottom lip, asking for permission that I immediately granted her. Feeling her slick muscle dancing with my own inexperienced was enough to make me lose control. Eventually she stood up without disconnecting our lips and gently straddled my lap that was still on the piano stool.

Instinctively I grabbed her waist, squeezing it gently. When our lips became stiff and swollen she trailed feather kisses along my jawline, another thing that Austin had never done to me. I gasped when I felt her boldly nip my earlobe. Her hot breath in my ear and her hands tangled in the soft hairs at the nape of my neck. She moved her head lower, leaving wet kisses along my neck before harshly sucking my pulse point. Sensually, she nipped the sensitive area before soothing it with her warm tongue; she was now slowly grinding her hips on my lap. The rough moan that escaped my lips was enough for me to register the situation.

Shoving Lauren off my lap, I jumped off the stool 'what the fuck am I doing?' I mumbled to myself. Pacing back and forth across the room I stared at a smirking Lauren.

'Why are you smirking?' I snapped

'I like hearing you moan Miss Cabello'

'Lauren this is no time for games!'

'On the contrary. It's the perfect time for games' she said seductively, raking her eyes along my body shamelessly.

'Lauren, this can't happen again'

'Well, you seemed to enjoy it' she smirked, again

'That was just... the heat of the moment' I said weakly, my thoughts returning to her skilled hands, her masterful tongue...

'Can we just, forget about it?' I asked, stopping in front of the woman who was still sitting down.

Slowly she stood up, standing toe to toe with me 'are you sure you want to?' She whispered, her hands slowly running up and down my sides.

'Y-yes! For fuck sake Lauren, your my teacher!'

'Don't you think I know that Camila? I realise what I'm putting on the line'

I stared down at my hands that were twisting together nervously 'I think it would be better if I had my own room' I mumbled.

'Why?' Lauren asked

'Hm, I wonder why?' I said sarcastically

'No. You'll be sleeping in my bed. With me' she demanded. Looking up at her face I knew I couldn't win this battle; I nodded my head dumbly. She slowly led me out of the room, intertwining our fingers while we walked. We eventually stopped outside a dark black door with a golden handle.

Pushing open the door I saw the complete opposite of what I had imagined. I was expecting a huge bed with a luxurious bathroom and expensive curtains. What I saw was a normal double bed with black silk sheets, I wondered how comfortable they would be to sleep in. The bathroom was a normal tiled bathroom and a small shower. Lining the walls were bookshelves and a single flat screen Tv on the wall opposition of the bed.

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