No Consent

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'Mija, it's time for school'

I looked through my eyelashes and saw my dad shaking me gently 'okay Papi' I whispered, my voice husky from the lack of use. My dad smiled down at me before leaving the room. It was a tired smile, a smile of a man who was fighting to stay strong for his two daughters and critically injured wife who was still in a coma. I clambered out of my bed and tied my hair in a messy bun as I walked towards my bathroom. I slowly removed my clothes and stared at my reflection in the mirror. There were noticeable bags under my eyes and creases on my face from my mattress. It was my eyes that scared me, they were hollow and cold; my once light brown chocolate eyes were now a deep dark shade of swamp brown sludge. With a loud sigh through my nose I begrudgingly stepped into the shower.

Ten minutes later I was wrapped in a fluffy towel and picking out an outfit for the day. When I finished I looked at my reflection in my full length mirror. I chose white skinny jeans with rips in the knees and thighs, a black skin tight t-shirt and an over sized hoodie. It represented my mood. I don't give a shit. Not caring about how my face looked I walked down the stairs and saw my dad rushing around frantically while sorting through some paperwork.


I looked down and smiled at my little sister. She had her arms stretched out indicating that she wanted me to pick her up, who was I to say no? I held her against my waist while I poured my self some juice.

'Hey princess'

'Where's Mami?' She pouted. I saw sadness in her eyes, of course a nine year old girl would miss her mother.

'Remember, she's in the hospital because she had a bit of an accident, she's gonna be fine though' I lied followed by a forced smile that hurt my cheeks. I didn't know if my mother would be fine. Right now not even the doctors knew.

'Well I hope she gets better soon because I don't like Papi's cooking' she whispered

I laughed quietly at her remark but she wasn't wrong. My father has a lot of skills but cooking is not one of them.

'When can I see her?' She asked her eyes avoiding my gaze while she absentmindedly played with the strings on my hoodie.

'Soon princess' I leaned forward and kissed her forehead 'now go get ready for school, remember you have your school trip today?'

'Oh I forgot about that!' She squealed and ran up the stairs. I drained the end of my juice and and washed my cup in the sink.

'Mija I have a case today in Georgia'

'Georgia?' I asked

'Yes, your sisters staying with her friend Jessica, so you won't have to worry about her. I should be back tomorrow morning but I want you to take care of yourself. Lock all the doors and windows and don't open the door to strangers-'

'Papi' i cut him off with a gentle smile 'I'll be fine'

'Do you think you could...'

'What?' I asked him

'Could you check up on your mother? You don't have to stay long I just don't want her to be alone for the whole day'

'Of course I will Papi' I walked over to his distressed face and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. We stayed like that till my phone beeped, I smiled at my dad comfortingly before i looked down at my phone

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