The Date

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"I want your essays on my desk tomorrow morning. You may start your assignment now or chat quietly" Mrs. Jauregu's voice boomed around the class.

I trailed my eyes up and down on body shamelessly as she rubbed out the marker on the white board. I don't know if it was the gods or demons that sculpted her flawless body. Her long slender legs that looked irresistible in her skinny jeans, her amazing ass, and as she reached up her jacket moved showing her smooth back.

"Mila!" Austin snapped his fingers I front of my face, making me jump from my daze.

"Sorry Austin... what were you saying?"

"I was asking if you wanted to go on that date with me tonight, where was your head at?"

"Austin look, I already said no-"

"Mila please, I promise we'll have a great time. All I'm asking for is one chance"

I glanced up at the boy and saw the pure desperation in his eyes, I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I bit the corner of my lip and sighed through my nose. Fuck it.

"Ok" Austin's face instantly lit up before I raised a hand to silence him "but no funny business! And if I want to leave then I'm calling a cab and I'm going straight home, are we clear?"

"Yes! Yes of course! That sounds perfect! So I'll pick you up at around eight?"

"Yeah, eight sounds ok. I'll just warn you now, my parents are going to interrogate you"

"You're worth it" he smiled before averting my gaze. Before I could respond the bell pierced through the air making my heart jump.

"I'll see you tonight Mila ok?"

"Yeah, whatever" I caught a glance of Mrs Jauregui as I left the class, her green eyes making me involuntarily shudder. What's her deal?

I walked into my chemistry class and luckily saw Normani smiling at me. I walked over and plopped into the seat next to hers. This day is already too hectic for my liking

"How was English without my beautiful presence?" She mocked with a smile. I looked up at the older girl with a thoughtful expression.

"It was... interesting"

"Oh! Who was L.J? Is it the new teacher?" Mani turned towards the door as the teacher walked in, effectively silencing the class. I took out my notes before lowering my voice.

"Yeah that's her but Mani I have to tell you something"

"What is it?" She asked, concern in her voice. I opened my mouth to speak but I physically couldn't formulate a sentence.

"Do you know Austin?"

"Mahone?" I watched her lip curl in disgust at the boys name

"Yeah him"

"Unfortunately I do know him, why?"

"Well, he asked me out on a date..." My voice trailed off and I watched as Normani's hand stilled on her page

"Mila, you didn't"

"I did" I grimaced slightly as I realised what I had actually said yes to. A date, with Austin Mahone.

"What?!" Normani whisper shouted "what were you thinking?!"

"I don't know, I wasn't! It's only one date anyway" I mumbled. I looked up and saw Normani shaking her head, breathing deeply through her mouth. Instantly my mind started drifting to the worst case scenario. More than one worst case scenario at that.

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