The Trial

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*I know MGK is pretty bad (at parts) during the cover but Camila is absolutely amazing*

'Walz we feel so shitty, we want to be there for you'

'Cheeche the best thing you can do for me is to carry on like nothing's happening'

'But Mila-'

'D, I know you mean well but I have to do this on my own, okay?'

There's a long pause on the phone and I worry if I've said the wrong thing 'fine' she finally answers 'but you better text us as soon as it's over, okay?'

'Yes Cheeche I will text you now please get to class' I looked down at my watch and saw that she was already 5 minutes late. Typical Dinah, but I love her for it.

'Yes mom' she laughs quietly 'I love you Mila'

'And I love you Dinah Jane'

I hear her scoff down the phone 'boo, everyone loves a little bit of this ass'

*A few hours later*

I clutch the ends of my sweater tightly as we all take our seats in the gallery, inside the court room. Ariana is to my right and Alejandro is next to her. My eyes skit around the large wooden room, there was at least one police officer near every exit; their thumbs hooked in the loops of their pants. I smiled weakly at my mother who was sitting next to our lawyer. He was dressed nicely in a sharp brown suit with cropped black hair. Very professional. On the other hand Adam McVey's lawyer was a sweaty middle aged man with grey hairs sprouting all over his bald, shiny head. Speaking of him, Adam was sitting smugly in his chair. He was slouching with a smirk plaster on his lips, quite pleased with himself even though he was handcuffed.

What I wouldn't give to slap that look off his pathetic face.

'You okay?'

I looked over at Ariana who was staring at me with a worried expression. She was dressed in a grey business suit, her long brown hair was tied up into a high ponytail, cascading down her back.

'Yeah I'm just... nervous' my leg was bouncing up and down quickly on the polished floor. This is nothing like the crime shows on Tv. They don't mention the suffocating atmosphere or the burning rage that consumes you when you see the person that's caused you so much pain and suffering, all those days wondering if your mother was going to wake up or not.

'Hey' Ariana put her small hand on my shaking knee 'no matter what happens your mother isn't in trouble. She didn't do anything wrong, it was that scumbag' she pointed towards Adam 'he's the one who'll pay the price'

'Okay?' She bumped my shoulder with hers.

'Okay' I smiled shyly. A few minutes later the doors opened behind me and someone sat in the seat directly behind mine. I returned my attention back to my mom who was discussing something with our lawyer. As the seconds ticked by, my nerves started to get the better of me again. My knee suddenly froze when I felt warm breath on my ear, coming from the person behind me.

'Hello Camilla'



I turned around slowly and came face to face with Brad fucking Simpson. I don't know how the fuck he was here, or what happened to his face. His jaw was bruised with purple splotches and there was a big white bandage on his nose and his lip was split.

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